20 Rebellious People Who Refuse To Obey Common Rules
This world is so huge that it's very easy for you to run into many different types of people living in society, including self-centered, rebellious, cultured, well-mannered, and ill-mannered - just to name a few. Each person behaves differently with each of them. The way of they treat everyone isn't the same. For example, the behavior of a well-mannered person is quite different from that of an ill-mannered person.
But this article isn't only about rude individuals; it's also about rebels who refuse to follow the rules. One didn't allow others to use a toilet as a toilet. Another prevented plenty of people from watching the show since they stood before them the entire time. These are just a few examples that might make us wonder, “Oh my, why is this even happening?” To see more situations that can blow your mind, scroll down to see 20 rebellious people who refuse to obey common rules.
#1. My work doesn’t allow you to use a toilet as a toilet
Source: heichousbleach
#2. This pizza we ordered in Greece
Source: -sterf-
#3. My son dropped his phone in the toilet and opened a brand new bag of risotto to dry it out
Source: Xcyelm
#4. Each person took a turn slamming their shopping cart into the front of my new car. I've heard of "Shopping cart dings" but c'mon...
Source: luvmy07subie
#5. A girl in front of me kept pouring out the ice cream that was in her cone until she made a swirl she liked. There was no more chocolate ice cream left
Source: egyptian-camel
#6. How my roommate chooses to eat his bananas
Source: AlmostDoneWithIt
#7. Mildly infuriating
Source: Basti2202
#8. The way my boyfriend cuts avocados
Source: manlikerealities
#9. Most dads will write their son a check when he graduates college. My dad has a slightly different way of doing things. This is how I received $1000 for graduating from college
Source: hrdrockdrummer
#10. My beanpole son is 16 years old and 6'3". This is how he reads (he also eats like this unless we yell at him). Is this normal?
Source: Knox11
#11. Settle an argument, is the far sock A. Upsidedown or B. The wrong way around?
Source: SnooBeans6111
#12. I think I'm married to Gollum
Source: HighHana
#13. “Chicken pizza”
Source: [deleted]
#14. It’s sad
Source: theslowkid
#15. Overworked and overstressed, I couldn't figure out how to enter a "5" for a solid minute...
Source: MsLT
#16. Clueless idiots who walk down the MIDDLE of the road to their car. This has gone on for over a minute
Source: KillerQ97
#17. Every time someone leaves the company…
Source: FartOnMyFacePlease69
#18. This can't be happening
Source: johnwickham
#19. Asked for extra pickles on my Big Mac
Source: SnooDoodles3897
#20. On my flight. Can you like not?
Source: warda8825
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