9 Most Beloved Harry Potter Teachers, Ranked
A quick perusal of Harry Potter fans will reveal some lively discussion among Harry Potter fans over the merits of certain teachers. For example, when it comes to choosing their Harry Potter teachers, some viewers focus on the character's personality, while others value the teacher's skill in the classroom, and yet others value the relationship between the instructor and the students.
Lots of fans' opinions are used to determine the order of the entries depending on the number of votes received for each individual educator. Fans can vote for as many different instructors as they choose, and their votes will be counted for each one. Dolores Umbridge, unsurprisingly, did not even crack the top ten.
If you found the list of the ten best Harry Potter teachers interesting, don't hesitate to visit our website Aubtu.biz to have more news and information about your favorite movies.
Lots of fans' opinions are used to determine the order of the entries depending on the number of votes received for each individual educator. Fans can vote for as many different instructors as they choose, and their votes will be counted for each one. Dolores Umbridge, unsurprisingly, did not even crack the top ten.
Top 9 Favorite Harry Potter Teachers
9. Albus Dumbledore - Headmaster
Source: Harry Potter
8. Pomona Sprout - Herbology
Source: Harry Potter
7. Rubeus Hagrid - Care of Magical Creatures
Source: Harry Potter
6. Severus Snape - Potions Is One Of The Most Impressive Harry Potter Teachers
Source: Harry Potter
5. Mad-Eye Moody
Source: Harry Potter
4. Horace Slughorn - Potions
Source: Harry Potter
3. Filius Flitwick - Charms
Source: Harry Potter
2. Remus Lupin - Harry Potter Teachers
Source: Harry Potter
1. Minerva McGonagall
Source: Harry Potter
If you found the list of the ten best Harry Potter teachers interesting, don't hesitate to visit our website Aubtu.biz to have more news and information about your favorite movies.
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