
24 Times People Spotted Such Stupid Fails, They Had To Document Them (New Pics)

Lazy workers are awful, and so are the nosey ones. If you have co-workers with these characteristics, we bet your day at work has to be pretty tiring with dramas. It's annoying and infuriating to work with such people. But it can hardly compare to working with workers who don't even know their job.
Incompetent workers are like a disease. No one wants to be around them. They have a great talent to piss other workers off with nearly everything they do at work. Their shortcomings are not something minor to which others can turn a blind eye. To put it straightforwardly, you have a job, do it correctly and appropriately. If you can't, then quit it already.
Even though other people's failures are not necessarily our concern every time, spotting such stupid mistakes makes us uncomfortable. But, as always, bad things have to be exposed to the public. Below, people are sharing the time they encountered such stupid failures that kept haunting them for a long time. Let's scroll down and shame them together!

#1 Whoever edited this advertisement never saw a human foot

Source: victim80

#2 A for effort

Source: SqueakSquawk4

#3 If only there were something in the nest that started with the letter E…

Source: mopeiobebeast

#4 In 1731 the King of Sweden sent a taxidermist his pet lion who died. This is what was sent back. It’s currently on display at a formal royal residence

Source: JohnnyRico92

#5 Don’t mind if I do

Source: TacticalNuke6969

#6 Terrorizing the children with this one

Source: professionalNEIGHer

#7 Installed the AC, boss!

Source: kokokolia-rus

#8 Shape Shifters

Source: VPM1991

#9 I present to you the first anti-mold paint for walls that managed to make mold in its original container

Source: Ok-Force-9554

#10 Handle with care

Source: onebiscuit

#11 I put the giant bodybuilder sticker on the front door, boss

Source: FeIixBaumgartner

#12 Ground staff pulled the wrong handle and MD-80's butt fell off

Source: Yeetman7252

#13 I have to look at this every day

Source: May_be_your_doom

#14 Buffalo 911 dispatcher fired

Source: punchCuddles

#15 Yup that's how acronyms work. Job well done!

Source: Annoying__Usernames

#16 Ain't that a kick in the crotch

Source: Leodracon

#17 Ah yes, PIGEON

Source: DevD_2022

#18 Mph? I prefer Fahrenheit

Source: SqueakSquawk4

#19 How on earth is this possible?

Source: Mekeni04

#20 Bro why dat cake regenerating like that

Source: GoldenGiantesshasaYT

#21 Was it so hard to get a dog?

Source: fplanellas

#22 Painted the child boss

Source: syracrow

#23 Ah yes eliminate plastic

Source: HK_910

#24 CSS struggles be like

Source: AleiusLestat

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