
18 Seriously Costly Mistakes That Cause Instant Regret

No matter who you are, it is clear that you can never live a life without making any mistakes. Who can? We are humans, nothing more. Ah yes, we're proud of being the most intelligent beings on this planet. And our species has the most advanced civilization. But that makes us no god. People have been through a lot to make the world what we see today. And, you know, we can never learn and improve without mistakes.
We learn from the mistake we make. All the errors are the condition leading to success. Therefore, don't be afraid when you make mistakes. You can tell yourself that at least you tried and learned something from it.
Still, we somewhat regret it when we realize we have messed up. And more than that, some mistakes cost us real money, cold hard cash. Yes, who can ever imagine that a minor mistake or a forgotten detail can result in that much damage? It seems like nothing to worry about, but things escalate quickly to thousands of dollars worth of damage.
We bet you wouldn't want to keep your eyes open when confronting such situations. But for these folks, their misfortune hits hard this time. Their mistakes proved to be seriously costly and instantly regrettable. They must have many questions about why and how things happened that way. Well, we are no god. We cannot see the future. And as things have already happened, we can only accept them as part of reality.
Down below are some of the costliest mistakes that people wish they could take back. Let's scroll down to check them out!

#1 Reliable pillars

Source: VreniCZek

#2 Beamer++

Source: bullybullet

Looks like damaging your car is not sad enough, you damaged two other cars while doing so. Now think about the repair bill after fixing your mistake. It must hurt your wallet.

#3 Like a scene from Mr. Bean

Source: Mr_PoodlePants

#4 What could go wrong while cooking breakfast?

Source: BarnabyWoods

Feel like making breakfast this morning? Sounds good. But just don't burn down the entire coach doing so. Oh, what I've just said?

#5 It hurts just by looking at this

Source: 23skidoobbq

#6 Wow! Good thing it was a detached garage!

Source: WiXBox360

#7 Kool-aid man is about to lose his driver's license

Source: babyspoot

#8 Every car 1 day after the warranty ends

Source: DoctorWhoniverse

#9 "Touchmore" car wash

Source: BoMbSWOW

A touchless car wash sounds nice. But what is happening here? Isn't the car supposed to stay unscratched and spotless after this washing session?

#10 Manager: I still need you to make it to work today

Source: imwaiter

#11 Damn. This is brutal

Source: yellowcow1

#12 The VR got way too real already

Source: GringoBolad0

#13 "God, please send me a sign"

Source: Zachman97

#14 I don't get outta bed for less than 599 plates

Source: CookiesAreGodz-64

#15 Damn frisbees

Source: Moofritte

#16 Looked like he drove into wet cement. Then I noticed there were no tires. Then I noticed there were only half the rims left

Source: BatRevolutionary9183

#17 That tree specifically hates European luxury SUVs

Source: eiwitten

#18 I send my condolences to the person cleaning that up

Source: copacetic51

We can feel the cringe and the pain just by looking at these pics. Imagine the amount of money lost on these, well, feels like I can faint. These poor folks must have woken up to a very, very bad day to see such things happening to them.
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