
Company Gets Roasted For The Email Explaining Why They Rejected A Candidate, Justice's Served

For any job seeker, attending an interview is a must, but not so pleasant task. We believe that you all know the importance of a job interview. That's why people put so much effort into this. Preparing the papers, arranging the time, and choosing the appropriate clothes, there's a lot for a candidate to do before an interview. So, how do you feel when all that effort of yours goes down the drain?
It's not pleasant in any way. So, listen here. Each candidate is a potential employee who may bring benefits to your company. Candidates go to an interview with respect and decency, so it's reasonable for them to expect the same things from employers. But like, many companies believe that because they're offering positions and paying people to work for them, they can do whatever they want.
Is it true that employers are in a higher position than employees? Let's say. They expect candidates to be on time while they can't be on time themselves. People's time is also valuable. Don't assume that people are okay to sit there and wait for you for hours. That's plain rude. Ridiculous double standards like this have people infuriated. What's more, many candidates go to an interview only to know that the job they're applying for pays much less than their current one. Total waste of time.
Recently, the “F*ck You I Quit” Twitter account posted a screenshot of a hiring manager rejecting an applicant via email, and it has caused quite a stir on Twittersphere. Down below, you can read the frustrating email as well as responses from users, who got infuriated by the major lack of professionalism and sense of reality displayed within. Keep reading and tell us what you think about this issue.


Source: f**kyouiquit


Source: heather_reindl


Source: ceriseskies17


Source: fuzzyironman


Source: JOzereko


Source: DragonNexus


Source: Cassius_Dundee


Source: kingpazn


Source: LonelyGoomba


Source: Glasses2themax


Source: theQuick_Manalt


Source: MightyMack03


Source: Xylorjax


Source: harvey5454


Source: GypsyInAmerica


Source: Albatross


Source: TheRealHoarse

That's delusional of a hiring manager. They talked like they were superior and had the right to show up late for the interview. Also, what's that part about working not for money? If people don't work for money, then why do they work? HR like this deserves a reality check for their insanity. What on earth do they think? They are working with real people yet have no sense of reality.
In last words, this red flag is too huge to ignore. I will assume that the culture of this company is somewhat twisted and out of touch. So, this is an instant no for me.
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