30 Of The Most Brilliant Comebacks That Hit Like A Truck
Be careful with whatever you post on social media because it may come back to you like a boomerang. It doesn't take a lot of time to realize that people on the internet will always find ways to bash you no matter what your opinion is. And yet, many seem like they haven't learned anything. And we bet you can guess the result. Yeah, you can never win an argument against hundreds, thousands of critical minds.
Still, it's not that people actively seek arguments to satisfy their yearning to criticize someone. Most of the time, it's because somebody says something utterly stupid, and they can't help but call those idiots out. On Reddit, there's an entire sub called "Clever Comeback" dedicated to collecting witty yet savage responses that can roast anyone to a crisp. Now, let's scroll down to check out some of the most brilliant ones we have picked out in the list below.
Still, it's not that people actively seek arguments to satisfy their yearning to criticize someone. Most of the time, it's because somebody says something utterly stupid, and they can't help but call those idiots out. On Reddit, there's an entire sub called "Clever Comeback" dedicated to collecting witty yet savage responses that can roast anyone to a crisp. Now, let's scroll down to check out some of the most brilliant ones we have picked out in the list below.
#1 That was a sweetly dark burn
Source: AnxiousIndicator
#2 Waiting patiently
Source: dkhunapun
#3 Purrfect response
Source: Comfortablejack
#4 I shall use this
Source: Extra-Act-801
#5 In that logic why are they speaking in English if they are in America and not England?
Source: Thalassolykos
#6 Thank god, the notion of being able to have these two specimens is almost scarier than covid itself
Source: zzuhruf
#7 Been a bad mouth looser it seems
Source: Brielle-_-
#8 We are shutting off your brain, 9 to 5, it’s not like you're using it anyway
Source: LordMouse121
#9 So much capital tied up in church assets
Source: Jet_The_Tabaxi
#10 He's going to need a lot of aloe for that burn
Source: pedragono
#11 Good comparison
Source: Toure
#12 *wheeze*
Source: LargeSackOfNuts
#13 Call out the hypocrisy at every opportunity
Source: Comfortablejack
#14 The entitlement geez
Source: Xclusivecrushr
#15 Why do you wear clothes? You have skin, right?
Source: FrothyGuinness
#16 Simile to the ones my mother makes
Source: reddit
#17 Seriously how are the other numbers gonna feel...
Source: Jojojoost010
#18 And that is why I want to live in Canada
Source: Master1718
#19 He's not wrong
Source: OnionGobbler862
#20 "Yup" indeed
Source: BelleAriel
#21 I wish this was less true
Source: Post-Narrow
#22 Shut her down real quick
Source: plaguedoc20
#23 Oh, Trump supporters. Never get boring when you guys are here
Source: LGBTCrimeBoss
#24 Ditto, I loled, like actually
Source: WrongCable
#25 Period
Source: DeliciousOutside9
#26 Ah yes, the old seeing gay makes u gay argument
Source: BelleAriel
#27 Just why? Why is the imperial system like that?
Source: Fluffy_Bubbly_Angel
#28 *no Trumpists*
Source: closettransman
#29 The fact that the comeback came from a full at Doctor, bless his heart
Source: Joe_Black03
Source: kyreann
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