"My Mom Said This, Now I Say It To Myself": Women Are Sharing The Moments They Realized They Were Turning Into Their Mothers
When I was a child, I swore to myself that I would never behave like my parents. And here, I bet that you all have done that at least once, haven't you? Children and parents don't always look at this world from the same perspective. Opposite opinions and conflicts are inevitable. The irony is that we, after years of fighting against the oppression - our parents, have inadvertently turned into them. Can you feel that, my friend?
The moment people realize that they are turning into their parents is possibly the most hilarious and also frustrating moment in their life. Well, it's must not easy knowing that you are now the person you once avoided at all cost. Here in this article, women shared how they knew that they were turning into their mothers, and it's so funny to read. Also, we're glad to hear about your story, so let us know in the comment section down below.
The moment people realize that they are turning into their parents is possibly the most hilarious and also frustrating moment in their life. Well, it's must not easy knowing that you are now the person you once avoided at all cost. Here in this article, women shared how they knew that they were turning into their mothers, and it's so funny to read. Also, we're glad to hear about your story, so let us know in the comment section down below.
Source: BoredsohereIam
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Source: TardigradeInAHat
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