
20 Things So Huge They Made People Afraid

We have seen the miniature versions of things. How about the opposite: things so massive that will scare you  just looking at them? Have you ever heard of the fear of big things? A fear of large objects is a popular phobia that is easy to diagnose. A typical megalophobia test includes a questionnaire and megalophobia pictures that depict large natural and artificial objects. Here are 20 things so huge that made people afraid. And you should be.
Just imagine standing next to these things and trying as hard as you can not to get intimidated by the size. We dare you, go on! It's deemed to mess with your mind how perception of things could be so psychologically effective.
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#1 Weta Workshop's realistic giants for the Dubai Expo

A Typical Megalophobia Test A Typical Megalophobia Test

#2 This art installation

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#3 Statue of Poseidon in Spain

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#4 The Swedish warship vasa

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#5 This sinkhole in Guatemala City

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#6 I don't want to see this when I go hiking

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#7 Monster of a machine

#8 Mirny, Russia, diamond mining town

#9 A British scientist descending into an antarctic crevasse

#10 A mountain in Iceland

#11 World's largest log cabin

#12 The Naga cave in Thailand looks like a giant petrified snake

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#13 Titanic vs. the largest modern cruise ships

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#14 Behold the largest animal to ever live

#15 Namib desert meets Atlantic ocean

#16 Colossal underbelly of an iceberg

#17 This may be the largest turtle ever recorded on camera

#18 A bridge that also served as a prison. Ronda, Spain

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#19 The largest hotel in the world, with a staggering 10,000 rooms is currently under construction in Saudi Arabia

A Typical Megalophobia Test

#20 Esso Hibernia tanker under construction, UK 1970

A Typical Megalophobia Test

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