
30 Awkward Prom Photos Of Celebrities That You, Surely, Burst Out Laughing

In this post, we're excited to share of 29 awkward prom photos. It turns out our favorite celebrities had young and free days like us. Jeremy Renner used to enjoy his mullet hair and Ru Paul's prom costume and expressions were enough to steal the show.
No one was born to be a celebrity, but anyone can be a superstar with their beauty and talents. Well, it’s true. But before celebrities grace a red carpet with perfect looks, they had also worn some high-school prom costumes. Some looked incredible while some were awkward. Celebrities, who are just like us, have some photos in the past that they are reluctant to share with the public.
Love to see more awkward photos from the old days of celebrities? Keep scrolling and enjoy!

#1 Ellen Degeneres

29 awkward prom photosSource: edbyellen

#2 Terry Crews

awkward prom photosSource: terrycrews

#3 Barack Obama

celebrity prom photosSource: barackobama

#4 Ru Paul

Ru PaulSource: RuPaul

#5 Brad Pitt

Brad PittSource: bradpittoffcial

#6 Rihanna

<a href=Rihanna" />Source: badgalriri

#7 Jennifer Aniston

<a href=Jennifer Aniston" />Source: I_dont_like_pie,Angela George

#8 Jimmy Fallon

awkward prom photos Jimmy FallonSource: jimmyfallon

#9 Ashton Kutcher

Source: aplusk

#10 Will Ferrell

29 awkward prom photosSource:

#11 George Clooney

 awkward prom photosSource:

#12 Jeremy Renner

Jeremy RennerSource: Renner4Real

#13 Meryl Streep

Meryl StreepSource: Montclair Film

#14 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett JohanssonSource: PageSix,Georges Biard

#15 Amy Poehler

Amy PoehlerSource: Wikipedia

#16 Michelle Obama

Michelle ObamaSource: michelleobama

#17 Robin Wright

Robin WrightSource: robingwright

#18 Blake Lively

Blake LivelySource: blakelively

#19 Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaugheySource: leahkpickett,McConaughey

#20 Jessica Alba

Jessica AlbaSource: jessicaalba

#21 Shane Dawson

Shane DawsonSource: shanedawson

#22 Angelina Jolie

Source: lovinglogs,Foreign and Commonwealth Office

#23 Courteney Cox

Courteney CoxSource: courteneycoxofficial

#24 Reese Witherspoon

Reese WitherspoonSource: reesewitherspoon

#25 Natalie Portman

Natalie PortmanSource: natalieportman

#26 Lady Gaga

Source: ladygaga

#27 Taylor Swift

<a href=Taylor Swift" />Source: taylorswift

#28 Sandra Bullock

Sandra BullockSource:,Eva Rinaldi

#29 Beyoncé

<a href=Beyoncé" />Source: beyonce

#30 Bruce Willis

29 awkward prom photosSource:,Gage Skidmore

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