
"The Lost Treasure": 26 Lucky Souls Who Were Blessed With Precious Findings

"Lost never to be found again," you've probably heard about this trope before. Yes, in the world of romances and tragic love stories, once something slips out of your hands, you'll never be able to retrieve it. A meaningful piece of jewelry, the diary of your loved one, or even your significant other, you always need to keep them safe and close to you.
Well, it's beyond exaggeration to say such things. It's true that if you've lost something, retrieving it is not easy. But it's not like that thing or person just disappears from existence. Sometimes, they're still there, in a corner you may not notice, waiting to be found again. People in the list below shared with us the moment they rediscover their long-lost treasure, and it's amazing. Let's scroll down and check out what they found!

#1 I found an original 1985 Back To The Future skateboard at the back of my parents' shed today. Shame about the condition but still great!

#2 Bought my house 6 months ago and found this hidden safe when removing an old stove that was left here

#3 While tearing up their carpet, my in-laws found a giant Monopoly board

#4 Found underneath a house today. So wizard, Ani!

#5 The basement door in this abandoned house was sealed with duct tape, it opened to reveal a time capsule

#6 When ripping out my ceiling drywall I found a report card from 1957 a kid must have hidden up there. Someone failed the 8th grade…

#7 Found an old movie ticket cleaning out the house we just bought!

#8 This silver pendant I found metal detecting is dated 227 years ago today

#9 Found this drawing in the crawl space under the stairs of our house (built in 1955)

#10 I found an Amazon box from 1997 in my basement

#11 Cleaning my fireplace in my mid-century apartment in Calgary and lifted the stone floor out of curiosity to find a local newspaper from May 1967

#12 My grandma still has an unopened New Coke can in her fridge from 1985

#13 My mom’s purse was stolen in the 80s at a hiking trailhead. Today someone messaged her that they found it deep in the woods. The leather was all destroyed, but she is getting some cool keepsakes back

#14 Found a notebook from the early 1900s in the attic, filled with various sketches & writing. Here are a few pages

#15 Found this razor wedged in a weird spot in my closet

#16 Postman just delivered a postcard to my house from 1973, better late than never I guess

#17 Found some wallpaper from the 1910-20s behind a built-in cabinet during demolition

#18 WWI US Navy syringe kit, found in the basement of our home when we removed the ceiling

#19 My grandmother refuses to believe she is a hoarder. This was in our vitamin bin

#20 Bought our first home this week and found these in the attic. 84-year-old and 74-year-old diplomas still in pretty good shape

#21 Old stash found in Arizona

#22 Found this under the pickup of a custom telecaster guitar built for me by a very dear friend years ago

#23 The walls in our attic from the early 1900’s when we tore the old retro wallpaper off

#24 I’ve been looking for these!

#25 Our new to us house has a secret panic room that wasn’t included in the listing! Built in 1978 and I love this place!

#26 My boyfriend’s grandma has baking soda from 2002. The Blockbuster offer expired on 3/31/2003

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