22 Terrible Life Hacks That Might Just Work (Somehow)
Accumulating knowledge is essential. You never know someday you'll stumble upon a situation that requires a certain skill or knowledge to handle. Sometimes, you create your own mess but don't know how to clean it up. Other times, you want to help people solve their problems, but you, once again, are clueless about how to do that. Luckily, as the internet is now available for access from almost anywhere in the world, you can just put your problem up online and ask for advice. Generally, people are willing to give their insights and experienced-based tips and tricks that may work in your situation.
Indeed, those life hacks can work just fine in some cases. But remember, not all advice is good advice. And instead of blindingly following what people say, we first need to verify and then predict the potential effects should they occur. We believe that you all have, at least one or two times, taken your relatives' or friends' advice then ended up making the situation worse. Well, awkward! Those are not advice. Those are "badvice" that you confused with actual life hacks. And down below, we have a bunch of similar "life hacks" that you may want to check out.
Indeed, those life hacks can work just fine in some cases. But remember, not all advice is good advice. And instead of blindingly following what people say, we first need to verify and then predict the potential effects should they occur. We believe that you all have, at least one or two times, taken your relatives' or friends' advice then ended up making the situation worse. Well, awkward! Those are not advice. Those are "badvice" that you confused with actual life hacks. And down below, we have a bunch of similar "life hacks" that you may want to check out.
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