20 Poor Souls Having An Absolutely Terrible Day
There are days in life when things just cannot go right. You do everything like you usually do, but the outcome is just different, in a bad way. Well, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. And it makes us even more frustrated when we have no way to fix it. That moment when hopelessness and powerlessness flood our minds, we just want to give up and do no more. After all, doing nothing is still better than trying to do it when you know it will not work.
So, how's your day? If you're having a bad day and need some sympathy, you're at the right place. People in the list below woke up to an absolutely terrible day, and it's hard to tell which one is worse among them. Anyway, we learn from our mistakes, and things that make us down will also make us stronger. So, don't feel low, and let's be positive. When there's nothing you can do, smile and move on.
So, how's your day? If you're having a bad day and need some sympathy, you're at the right place. People in the list below woke up to an absolutely terrible day, and it's hard to tell which one is worse among them. Anyway, we learn from our mistakes, and things that make us down will also make us stronger. So, don't feel low, and let's be positive. When there's nothing you can do, smile and move on.
#1 2 hour old brand new off-the-shelf Red Wing boots disintegrated. Cost my friend a day of work
Source: Goof-Off-Corpse
#2 In NSW Australia this poor woman's house burnt down in a flood
Source: Sacktimus_Prime
#3 Left our totally normal house to run errands. Came back an hour and a half later to this
Source: Station28
#4 Bought Fried Chicken at the airport then as I was boarding, the bag ripped from the bottom side and the box landed upright at first but ripped in the same manner when I picked it up
Source: vaporwave_enthusiast
#5 Finally got my Hello Fresh that should have been here 5 days ago
Source: Sunny8830
#6 This is how I caught my ex-wife cheating
Source: forum4um
#7 Moving across the country in a few weeks, invited my friends to a farewell bbq. All canceled or just didn't show
Source: erokitel128
#8 Had an air purifier running for over a year with the filter covered in plastic the whole time
Source: coloradopowpow
#9 After a grueling day at work without food where I had to wait 4 hours for a sample to arrive which got canceled, I come home at 7 pm to find all my shit in garbage bags cause the cleaners my landlord sent cleared the wrong apartment
Source: km1180
#10 Welcome to the desert
Source: ARoket
#11 Our glass coffee table randomly exploded while we were watching tv
Source: katelyn27
#12 Do not...
Source: TheHarkules
#13 Just a little ice, it's fine
Source: mikemike26
#14 Supercar is now super boat!
Source: xXJamesScarXx
#15 That’s an unfortunate lighting outage...
Source: MegaOcelot
#16 I can see a story in this picture
Source: pp0787
#17 When you make the front page...
Source: B___Jordan___P
#18 Lost... half a bike
Source: HideyDoe
#19 Recline my seat and...
Source: reddit
#20 Just baked this cake and ate one piece, came back and the dog licked the icing off as far as she could reach
Source: gwarfunkle
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