
30 Funny School Sign Mistakes That Will Put A Smile On Your Face

Like any other type of billboard, school signs also have intended targets. And in this case, they are anyone who is on the way to school. So, consequently, what they put on the school signs is only relevant to people going INTO the school, even though they sometimes don't even get it. Well, in my schools, and maybe many others, school signs are often the product of a bored, snarky groundskeeper, a student who's under punishment, or a drunk teacher who forgets their duty till the end of the day. So, I'm not surprised if there's no care at all in the writing process.
Down below are some funny typos that make people laugh at its silliness. Anyway, a school sign is still a sign. And making people laugh is also a way to draw their attention. No matter it's because of people who mess around during summer, ones who don't know how to spell, or ones who do not give a care, these unintentional mistakes will be sure to put a smile on your face. So now, let's scroll down and check them out with us.

#1 Stop your resistance

Source: Internet

#2 The nightmare of an exam

Source: Internet

#3 Since English class wasn't cutting it

Source: Internet

#4 Way to shcool

Source: Internet

#5 All STDS

Source: Internet

#6 Welcome back, kids!

Source: Internet

#7 Still better than a leader of tomatoes

Source: Internet

#8 This is necessary

Source: Internet

#9 Great! Now, where will we go?

Source: Internet

#10 This school is so different

Source: Internet

#11 Sounds interesting...

Source: Internet

#12 A job well done!

Source: Internet

#13 "Yes, that was an easy win"

Source: Internet

#14 Prank gone right

Source: Internet

#15 Curious about what happens during the MILF week

Source: Internet

#16 Let's celebrate

Source: Internet

#17 Uhh, I'll try, I guess?

Source: Internet

#18 With live vibrations!

Source: Internet

#19 You say what?

Source: Internet

#20 Your home needs some new kitchen utensils

Source: Internet

#21 Hard work and exereise

Source: Internet

#22 Shame on you, old freak. We have a new one

Source: Internet

#23 Better tell them the truth

Source: Internet

#24 Girls!

Source: Internet

#25 Don't worry, no one will notice

Source: Internet

#26 You pervert!

Source: Internet

#27 Decent...

Source: Internet

#28 A driving joke, perhaps?

Source: Internet

#29 Yes, a differance

Source: Internet

#30 Kind of what you expect from Dallas

Source: Internet

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