
Owners Are Saying "Goodbye" To Their Pets In The Most Interesting Way You Can't Expect

Staying beside your pets can be so much comfortable, and peaceful that you'll find it hard to leave them for just a while. It's not easy to say goodbye to someone we love, especially when that is your beloved pet. animals can't speak the human language, all that you can make them understand is through your eyes, gestures, and reassuring behaviors.
Here comes a wholesome Reddit thread on r/NoStupidQuestions, where people show up with questions they might feel embarrassed or ashamed asking somewhere else. A user named @Tbonewiz asked people the way they say goodbye to their pets before leaving home. This topic has attracted 48.9k upvotes, and nearly 6k Redditors are invited to leave a reply.

Source: Tbonewiz

Unsurprisingly, owners will constantly spoil their pets and treat them like a child in an unnecessary way, just to show they are absolutely not ready to leave. Some owners think that it's important to tell the pets where you're going and when you'll return. It makes them feel safe while waiting for you at home. Scroll down to check out some of the best words owners often reassure their animals before they go out.

#1 "Store" and "Work"

#2 "Streeeeeetch"

#3 "I'll be right back"

#4 "I'll be back, okay?"

#5 Forehead kisses are sweet!

#6 "Be good okay, I love you, my sons"

#7 I'll try this way with my cat.

#8 "I am not abandoning you."

#9 "Have a great day, sweetie"

#10 The cats and scritches love your belly rubs


#12 "Eat any burglars, haha!"

#13 That's sweet!


What about you? How do you say goodbye to your pets? Please share with us in the comment.
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