
Boy Is Blamed For Putting Raincoat On His Cat, Should Or Shouldn't?

A Reddit user called rainjacat has come to social media asking for support for his wearing a raincoat on his cat. His post, uploaded to r/AmItheAsshole, explained why he was blamed for doing such thing and that putting clothes on furry animals is cruel.
The boy shared that his cat loved to play in the garden but absolutely hated getting wet. Meanwhile, there was a lot of rain in his areas. He decided to buy a raincoat for the feline so that it could go out even in rainy weather.

Source: rainjacat

This, however, was unacceptable to his sister who visited the boy one day. She insisted that it was cruel to put clothes on cats, especially ones with fur. She even blamed him for doing it for fun and not thinking of the cat's feelings.

Source: rainjacat

Research on the Internet shows a number of reasons why wearing clothes on cats is not advised. explains that cats grow up their fur which is warm and comfortable enough to protect them from environmental temperatures. So, if you dress them up, they can be overheated, and the clothes can restrict their movements. For the same reason, warns cat owners against wearing sweaters on their cats. Therefore, it's not surprising that many people consider it abusive and cruel to cats.
However, back to the case, it was unfair to say the boy made a mistake. Firstly, he bought the raincoat for his cat to help it, not to entertain himself. Secondly, it was clear the feline loved the dress, so there was impossible to consider it a case of animal abuse.

Source: rainjacat

Reddit also took the side of the boy. Here are some of their comments:

What do you think about it? Let us know in the comment!
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