
20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked

Comic is one of the great sources of entertainment. Here is 20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked.
In the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have lived in a boring and tiring mood because of social distancing or quarantine. Therefore, finding things that make us happy and bring us laughs is really important. And comic is one of the great sources of Entertainment that certainly makes you feel happier and reduce stress. Tony Esp's comics are highly recommended to you.
Tony Esp is a talented artist who likes embracing his ideas and turning them into hilarious comics. Reading his comics, readers are often unable of what’s going to happen next. He’s been drawing comics for about 6 years now and thanks to his unique and quirky style, he has garnered over 38.8K followers on Instagram.
If you’re a fan of dark humor, Tony’s comics will entertain you for sure. Scroll down and take a look to enjoy them.

#1 All the hard work for what?

20 <a href=funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked" /> 20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked

Source: Tony Esp

#2 It was not a scam!

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You HookedSource: Tony Esp

#3 The worst kiss…But did they run into the mirror or what?

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You HookedSource: Tony Esp

#4 It was nothing dark or mysterious, just a wild cat

Source: Tony Esp

#5 Dog to the rescue!

Source: Tony Esp

#6 A disappointment to the family

Source: Tony Esp

#7 And we all thought Santa was a good man…

Source: Tony Esp

#8 Jack asked the wrong person for a pony

Source: Tony Esp

#9 Out of all moments, this should not be the one during which you take a break LOL

Source: Tony Esp

#10 The beautiful life of vultures!

Source: Tony Esp

#11 LOL!

Source: Tony Esp

#12 Pride!

Source: Tony Esp

#13 Thoughts of an unusual Gen-Z

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You HookedSource: Tony Esp

#14 Oh, he meant “peer pressure”

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You HookedSource: Tony Esp

#15 They move on so fast!

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You HookedSource: Tony Esp

#16 No judgments allowed

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You HookedSource: Tony Esp

#17 Jerry’s brain is not that powerful after all

Source: Tony Esp

#18 What did poor Lindsay do to deserve this?

Source: Tony Esp

#19 Recruiting kids for veganism!

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked 20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked

Source: Tony Esp

#20 Worst last wish!

20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked 20 Funny Comics With Unexpected Endings That Will Get You Hooked

Source: Tony Esp

H/T: Boredpanda
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