
15 Frog Posts That Definitely Make Your Day Way Better!

Frogposting is the act of posting photos of frogs, either alone or with funny captions. It's been an important part of internet culture. And,  it has rapidly gained in popularity. If you go on your favorite social networks, you're bound to come across dozens (if not hundreds!) of sites dedicated to these amphibious creatures. They're goofy, adorable, and incredibly polite, and they'll hopefully brighten your day.
So, go ahead and scroll down to see the greatest frogs we wanted to share with you. Remember to comment on your favorite images and let us know which ones you find the most amusing and touching. Do you have any favorite frog memes you'd like to share? The comments section is just your space to do so.

#1 A Very Happy Frog

Source: j3ffr33d0m

#2 He Stands, He Watches

Source: generaltso78

#3 Derpy

Source: TantoYensen

#4  Black Rain Frog

Source: ZacHefner

#5 To Put A Hat On A Frog

Source: FluffyLlamaPants

#6 He Needs Attention

Source: Rhainnon963

#7 Sandy Cheeks

Source: bubbaganooshie

#8 You Never Know When A Frog Family Is Watching You

Source: Lancastrian34

#9 I Said Kiss Me

Source: __avess

#10 The Reason The Water Wasn’t Coming Out

Source: Lancastrian34

#11 Peace, My Friend

Source: a6igai1

#12 The Toad That Hangs Out On My Porch Needed A Hat

Source: 1158pm

#13 Why Do They Do This?

Source: gorddoo

#14 C H O N K Y B O Y

Source: RegisCard

#15 The Coolest Photo I Have Ever Taken. The Frog Jumped Right When I Took A Picture

Source: RegisCard

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