15 Funny Posts From Casual UK Capturing The Essence Of British Humor
The subreddit r/CasualUK is dedicated to the casual things that happen frequently in the UK but may not be as prevalent elsewhere across the globe. This online community has 883K members and is continuously sharing British people's caustic, and strange posts.
This online community depicts British life in all imaginable ways, from humorous posters and advertising to people drinking beer and celebrating festivals in the rain with their umbrellas. Scroll down to see some recent images uploaded on this subreddit that capture the true essence of British humor.
Let's see this series of photos below and comment on which one you like the most in the comment section!
This online community depicts British life in all imaginable ways, from humorous posters and advertising to people drinking beer and celebrating festivals in the rain with their umbrellas. Scroll down to see some recent images uploaded on this subreddit that capture the true essence of British humor.
Let's see this series of photos below and comment on which one you like the most in the comment section!
#1 Title Of The Next Bond Film Announced!
Source: fi-ri-ku-su
#2 Jesus Saves! (But Can’t Park For S**t)
Source: jibbist
#3 Took This On My Evening Walk Last Night; I Thought It Looked Like Quintessentially British
Source: Thin_Blue_Flame
#4 Picked Nanny Up To Take Her To An 8.30 Dentist Appointment, She Made Me A Packed Lunch In Case I Got Hungry While I Wait The 45 Mins For The Appointment. Nan's Are Awesome
Source: HiFiSiReport
#5 Coming Back To My Desk, Wondering Where My Pistachios Went, Nearly Had A Heart Attack
Source: flowerybjorn
#6 Found In Garden Today
Source: Pellew_1796Report
#7 I'm Liking The Translation For 'Cappucino' Into Welsh
Source: kublakhan1977Report
#8 Be Ashamed
Source: Stotallytob3rReport
#9 Shots Fired In The Office Kitchen
Source: Super-flewisReport
#10 Can't Get More Casual Than A Pony Waiting Outside The Post Office
Source: chaostrulyreigns
#11 My Local Cinema Being A Little Pessimistic About Reopening
Source: david_dremelReport
#12 Saw This Today On Towan Beach, Newquay... We Can Be A Romantic Bunch. Congratulations Whoever You Are
Source: Findscoolalmost
#13 Drove Past Batman On The M5 Yesterday. Good To Know He Is Out There Keeping Us All Safe
Source: mydogiscalledloki
#14 I Thought I'd Clear A Few Things Up
Source: one_in_the_wtf
#15 Multiple-cake lol
Source: CWebber1296Report
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