Artist Illustrates The Difference Between Her Mom And Dad, The Result Is What We Can Relate To
There's no love more sacred and greater than that of parents to their child. Parental love includes care, comfort, concern, nurture, support, affection, and warmth, all of which are shown differently by moms and dads. While mothers often express their love in a more obvious way like hugging, praising, or saying nice words to their children, the father's love is shown in a more quiet way, and mostly through actions. So if you think that your dad does not love you, we are sure you are wrong! He loves you so much, as much as (or even more than) your mother does!
Cartoonist Yasmine Surovec, through her illustration series “How We Came To Be”, will prove it to you. The series focuses on daily situations that make Yasmine who she is. In the series, there's one topic that is interesting and funny enough to any viewer - the difference between mom and dad. Scroll down to enjoy it! Please share this post with your parents if you can relate to all of the illustrations below!
Cartoonist Yasmine Surovec, through her illustration series “How We Came To Be”, will prove it to you. The series focuses on daily situations that make Yasmine who she is. In the series, there's one topic that is interesting and funny enough to any viewer - the difference between mom and dad. Scroll down to enjoy it! Please share this post with your parents if you can relate to all of the illustrations below!
#1. When asked "what happens after we pass away", mama didn't have time for sentimental or florid explanations. Meanwhile, papa just wanted me to feel happy.
Source: Howwecametobe
Source: Howwecametobe
#2. My mom wasn't the type of most affectionate mother, but I could always get straightforward answers from her. My father, on the other hand, was pleasant and didn't want me to get confused or worried.
Source: Howwecametobe
Source: Howwecametobe
#3. "When I said I am going to study abroad, my parents show their reactions in different ways. But there is one thing they are the same. They are both supportive parents who are there for me all the way. "
Source: Howwecametobe
Source: Howwecametobe
#4."Mom warned me about STDs. Dad was right strict at times."
Source: Howwecametobe
Source: Howwecametobe
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