35 Of The Weirdest And Most Ridiculous Balconies That Come From The Future
Balcony is an ideal place to sit back and relax. Because we can get more fresh air from the balconies than in other rooms, that are the best place for relaxation. After a hard-working day, nothing is better than sitting on a soft chair and enjoying a cup of tea with a book, isn't it? For this reason, many people have come up with inventive and interesting ideas to decorate their balconies. However, some of those balconies are just ridiculous.
Below are some of the weirdest and most ridiculous balconies that we have spotted online. From tiny useless balconies that cannot serve any purpose, silly decorated ones to crazy handmade ones, those will definitely make you burst out laughing. If you are finding something funny to start a new day, this post will be right up your street! Now, let's scroll down and enjoy.
Below are some of the weirdest and most ridiculous balconies that we have spotted online. From tiny useless balconies that cannot serve any purpose, silly decorated ones to crazy handmade ones, those will definitely make you burst out laughing. If you are finding something funny to start a new day, this post will be right up your street! Now, let's scroll down and enjoy.
#1. Finally found some furniture to fit my balcony
Source: thejyppara
#2. The view of my balcony before and after they removed a tree
Source: berchielli
#3. Chow chow with his own balcony
Source: malmordar
#4. When you want a property with a balcony, but don't want to have to pay extra because of it
Source: dancing-greg
#5. Balconies?
Source: Ascic
#6. Piping
Source: matroskin82
#7. Will the balcony resist the weight?
Source: natezomby
#8. Meanwhile, somewhere in Yevpatoria, Crimea
Source: barenton
#9. Balcony inspections are coming up again at my complex - Our balcony rules at my apartment complex are draconian, but far be it from me to break them. I’m a responsible renter. And no, he’s not coming down after Halloween.
Source: FunWithPunko
#10. Funny balcony (Paris, France)
Source: gg75018
#11. Got a little carried away by indoor plants
Source: Denys Vinson
#12. No balcony for you
Source: Skeleton_Pilots
#13. Includes a "Private Balcony." Is just a view of the wall of the next building
Source: Jagokoz
#14. Wtf is going on with this balcony?
Source: ShoutingBlackbird
#15. One person gets a balcony
Source: ThatPugOverThere
#16. What about this solar panels, mounted on the balcony
Source: stereotip3
#17. Spaceship balcony
Source: Oleksandr Burlaka
#18. Balconies without any windows or patio area
Source: Anjel_
#19. My neighbours made their balcony into a pirate ship!
Source: DTIT1TD
#20. Speechless
Source: Oleksandr Burlaka
#21. Flat with a balcony and a "great view"!
Source: birdsat
#22. Russian balcony modification
Source: AndreyAzimov
#23. Guess they had a special offer at the balcony store
Source: Planet6EQUJ5
#24. Let's go out on the balcony .......oh wait
Source: check-meow-t
#25. Pointless balcony
Source: guccifernandoo
#26. At least one guy got a balcony
Source: Alfred-02
#27. My buddy and I found a tiny useless balcony
#28. There is no way to get to this balcony
Source: famyott
#29. This grille on the balcony
Source: nipplotapos
#30. The upstairs balcony looks a little unfinished
Source: winnipegballbag
#31. Balcony is a fake
Source: reddit.com
#32. The world's smallest balcony
Source: breakola
#33. The future is now!
Source: ARGOchain
#34. This pointy balcony
Source: S_K_01
#35. The creepiest balcony ever
Source: foka86
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