Illustrators Remove Facial Hair From Disney Dudes And The Results May Make You Feel Uneasy
Illustrators Remove Disney Characters With Mustaches And The Results May Make You Feel Uneasy. Scroll down to see for yourself! It's the Disney dudes you know and love...but without facial hair!
It is very common in men to shave their facial hair. However, the question here is, is it really a good idea, especially when these men are characters who come from Disney world. In reality, there’s a lot of facial hair on the guys in Disney movies, and they are familiar with us. Therefore, it's difficult to ignore or shave the facial hair on their faces.
For this reason, when some illustrators removed the facial hair from Disney characters, it made everyone feel a little uncomfortable. From Disney kings and dads to villains, all they have had their heads shaved. After watching these pics, we have to admit that they looked more amazing with beards and mustaches.
Disney characters with mustaches
It is very common in men to shave their facial hair. However, the question here is, is it really a good idea, especially when these men are characters who come from Disney world. In reality, there’s a lot of facial hair on the guys in Disney movies, and they are familiar with us. Therefore, it's difficult to ignore or shave the facial hair on their faces.
For this reason, when some illustrators removed the facial hair from Disney characters, it made everyone feel a little uncomfortable. From Disney kings and dads to villains, all they have had their heads shaved. After watching these pics, we have to admit that they looked more amazing with beards and mustaches.
#1 King Hubert from Sleeping Beauty

Source: Unknown
#2 Maurice from Beauty and the Beast
Source: Unknown
#3 Zeus from Hercules
Source: Unknown
#4 The King from Cinderella
Source: Unknown
#5 King Triton from The Little Mermaid
Source: Unknown
#6 The Grand Duke from Cinderella
Source: Unknown
#7 Yen Sid from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Source: Unknown
#8 Kashekim Nedakh from Atlantis
Source: Unknown
#9 Merlin from The Sword in the Stone
Source: Unknown
#10 Cookie from Atlantis
Source: Unknown
#11 Gepetto from Pinocchio
Source: Unknown
#12 Jafar from Aladdin
Source: Unknown
#13 The Sultan from Aladdin
Source: Unknown
#14 Cassim from Aladdin and the King of Thieves
Source: Unknown
#15 The Emperor from Mulan
Source: Unknown
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