
20 Ridiculous Knockoff Brands That People Can't Help But Share It On Sight

The marketplace nowadays is full of all sorts of fake products. For an ordinary customer, it's hard to tell the difference between the real and the fake because even the fake ones are made very carefully. The producers surely put efforts to imitate the big brands' products, but it's not here.
Sometimes they seem to be too tired to conceal the falsity in their products. And the result? The goods appear completely ridiculous with weird logos and bizarre brand names. If you can't find a suitable coat in The North Face store, try out The North Fake. Maybe you can actually find something there, and they two are almost the same, right? Prepare to laugh because we have more of these hilarious and Shameless knockoff brands in the list below. So let's check them out right now.

#1 No wonder Dory was so difficult to find... Her family looks terrifying

Source: ghetiCLE

#2 What not butter!

Source: Cottondaddy

#3 But Jerry is a mouse

Source: [deleted]

#4 Seems trustworthy

Source: tomaszrock22

#5 The game would be sooo much more interesting if this was actually how it's played

Source: Joey-Tribbiani92

#6 Offbrand of offbrands

Source: infinitebandana

#7 The North Fake aside, you can also try this

Source: rmr1498

#8 Love the way Dave makes my skin feel

Source: thomastts

#9 Rotating Oak? Spinning timber? If only there were a name for this rolling piece of wood

Source: DrBatman0

#10 Iron Deficiency Man

Source: gingernuts13

#11 Or this Mr. Stark on a budget

Source: pIainjane

#12 Yikes!

Source: alexjericho13

#13 Well that's my sleep paralysis demon

Source: BruhBruh_Bruh_Bruh

#14 How to pronounce that?

Source: freshnettle

#15 Very tasty when you dip it in mulk first

Source: [deleted]

#16 Ben 7?!

Source: Beautiful_Fishing569

#17 My favorite mug brand, abibia

Source: RamtorYT

#18 My favorite Deformed Car - Optimus KIA

Source: [deleted]

#19 Who wants a nice refreshing Monsoon Dew?

Source: y2k2r2d2

#20 Dragons Have Tattoos Now?

Source: Palifaith

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