
What If Animals Could Talk?- Shown In 12 Pics By Artist Jimmy Craig

animals do talk, just not in ways we can understand. Jimmy Craig, a comic artist at, seems to know exactly what animals are thinking. His take on the conversations animals have is creative and humorously insightful. It provides us a bit more perspective on what these precious pets of ours might be thinking.

Even after learning from pops, the curiosity of pups get the best of them and they want to smell everything- ALL THE BUTTS! Fortunately, they’ll live and they’ll shower. We’re not too sure if they’ll learn.

Animals need friendship and companionship too! Fun facts: Did you that sea horses digest their food so quickly- it just passes through them- they need to eat almost constantly to stay alive. Also, male seahorses are the ones who get pregnant! The female seahorse just lays their eggs in the male’s pouch and leave.
To some people, cats are evil. To others, their “evilness” is described as mischievous … or cute. Whatever the adjective may be, these pointy ear creatures are always causing some type of clever ruckus. Maybe they really are deep thinkers?

Well… if it’s for tradition, we really have to cut the pigeons some slack. After all, families are bonded through blood and traditions. Can we really blame pigeons for honoring their pop’s poop ritual?

All dogs have a purpose– to love with all their tail wagging, licks, and hugs. Whatever their purpose is, it’s safe to say, they always complete the task to the best of their abilities.

If animals had the ability to lie, the feline species would definitely do it all the time!

Unless you are a student or alumni of the University of California, Irvine (ZOT! ZOT! ZOT! Or as Barack Obama would pronounce it, “Zoot! Zoot! Zoot…”) and are familiar with the university’s Peter the Anteater mascot, most people have no idea what an anteater is or what it looks like. Which makes sense because an anteater looks like an overgrown skunk with a furry elephant trunk. It’s confusing but adorable. The anteaters have very long sticky tongues which are covered with thousands of little hooks to scoop up all the ants. Not sure why or how, but ants are delicious to them. To each their own.

Zoo animals are probably wondering why we’re always staring at them…

According to, for years scientists believed that earthworms wiggled their way to the surface to prevent drowning underground. Now, soil experts think earthworms do this for migration purposes. OR… according to They Can Talk, earthworms just love to lounge and play in the rain!

For decades, we’ve got the intentions of sharks all wrong. Let’s just blame it on the movie Jaws. They don’t want to eat us… they want to help us!
What happens when dogs empty their bladder but they really want that one thing?

Awakening to cat claws on your face is not the ideal alarm clock but at least you now know they care about your well-being.


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