
30 Quirky Comics By Mews That’ll Bring You Closer To Christmas Eve

Comics can be far more powerful than we have ever expected. They aren’t just normal panels full of colorful doodles and alphabetic dialogues. Have you ever cried over a short series about love, or been freaked out by the villains drawn on paper? Just check out some examples that prove comics have such a special power. No wonder such an artistic phenomenon has greatly expanded to the whole world with an endless treasure of comical art. Let’s welcome Berkeley Mews - our special guest for today’s series! Comics by Mews are so exotic.
Berkeley Mews attended a local college and studied drawing and basic anatomy. His comics now make references to God, Santa Claus, love, death, childhood, and ‘90s pop culture, although they used to be parodies of Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. Since his uncle, Steve Moore, is a cartoonist, he thought about making it a career. If anyone is curious, he does not, however, consider the money he makes from the sale of his popular comics to be a given. His entire body of work was inspired by newspaper comics like FoxTrot and Peanuts. They have transformed fairy tales, Disney movies, and childhood memories into bizarre plots.
Berkeley Mews has labored to hone his banjo-playing skills and build a strong reputation in the comic book industry with a few noteworthy collection books, a fan base, etc. Before diving into a sweaty dream, check out his 30 cleverly twisted comics below! These Weird Comics images of Mews are great to see. 

#1 I'll give you 5 stars

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#2 Need some chills

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#3 Special gift

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#4 Stabbed him hard

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#5 Better stop now…

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#6 Willy wonka

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#7 The waterbed

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#8 Spelling bee

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#9 No monsters, hah?

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#10 Long live the king

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#11 Say it again…

Comics by MewsSource: berkeleymews

#12 Dude should bark

Source: berkeleymews

#13 Side toy story

Source: berkeleymews

#14 Use a laugh

Source: berkeleymews

#15 Ho ho naughty ho

Source: berkeleymews

#16 Time machine

Source: berkeleymews

#17 Oh Lord, we did it!!

Source: berkeleymews

#18 God’s computer

Source: berkeleymews

#19 Wrong target

Source: berkeleymews

#20 YooToob Prem-plum

Source: berkeleymews

#21 Watch him out…

Source: berkeleymews

#22 The Smiths

Source: berkeleymews

#23 Wait a second

Source: berkeleymews

#24 You're right…

Source: berkeleymews

#25 Almost there!!

Source: berkeleymews

#26 Loves me not

Source: berkeleymews

#27 Happy New Year

Source: berkeleymews

#28 S.A.N.T.A. Saga

Source: berkeleymews

#29 Now, it's your turn

Source: berkeleymews

#30 Merry xxxmas!!

Source: berkeleymews

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