
15 Pics Show That Online Advertisements Are A Big Fat Lie

Online shopping apps and their convenience help us a lot these days. People no longer have to go all the way to a supermarket or commercial center to buy goods. They can now sit down on their couch and order a product online, then just need to wait for it to be delivered to their place. Simple and convenient, but not so reliable sometimes. People cannot check the product directly when they make the purchase, and this uncertainty can lead to ridiculous situations.
Some people really get surprised when they receive their online order. No matter it is food, clothe, or furniture, it looks hardly similar to the advertisement in any aspect. We have selected some of the most obvious fails when people get deceived by advertisements, and they are so hilarious. Scroll down to see now.

#1 Visually the same

Image Credit: Matt

#2 My wife’s felting project.

Image Credit: MDIT80 / reddit

#3 Makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Image Credit: Qwertstormer / reddit

#4 This does make my a$$ look good!

Image Credit: JeremyRusselPriola

#5 He just grew a little on the way to the customer.

Image Credit: hoanihoani / imgur

#6 My friend had a really bad week, so I sent her some flowers. This is what the florist delivered. Googly eyes nailed it!

Image Credit: catfor / reddit

#7 If you're trying to stay on a diet, this might be for you.

Image Credit: yourlocalheidi / reddit

#8 Maybe McDonalds doesn't like me.

Image Credit: Sumstufffofun / imgur

#9 Looked really delicious on the menu.

Image Credit: 2Mana4U / reddit

#10 Which skill sets a good photographer apart from others? Perspective.

Image Credit: flamero / reddit

#11 My "Cookies and Cream Stuffed" French toast from iHop.

Image Credit: AshleyJean615 / reddit

#12 I knew I was taking a gamble ordering from Wish. But I couldn't stop laughing when my blanket finally arrived!

Image Credit: Jerrinq / imgur

#13 Think my wife is ready for Master Chef.

Image Credit: Giggitygiggityya / reddit

#14 Broken sprinkler, broken-hearted child.

Image Credit: Ebay© s0_0k / reddit

#15 Is this what fashion looks like nowadays?

Image Credit: Porcelain1984 / imgur

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