25 Times The Internet Decided To Roast The Sh*t Out Of America
It's a well-known fact that Americans are much weirder than the rest of the world. But that is because they have a uniquely rich and sordid history! As the first European colony to win independence, they've had lots of time to form the unique identity we associate with them today. Even though their uniqueness might come off as rebellious or weird, they never fail to make us laugh at the stuff they say and do. So let's have some fun and keep reading because we are about to present some of the times America has been roasted ruthlessly for all the ridiculous things that set it apart from the rest of the world.
However, don't take it personally—we've still got love for the good ol' US of A! And if you enjoyed our post, you can find more related ones by clicking here, here, and here. Enjoy!.
However, don't take it personally—we've still got love for the good ol' US of A! And if you enjoyed our post, you can find more related ones by clicking here, here, and here. Enjoy!.
#1. "Ey shut up man I can speak English, American, Canadian, Australian, Scottish, Irish English, and New Zealand."
Source: AstroDynam0
#2. "Uhm yeah can I speak to your alienmanager"
Source: crashdaddy
#3. More like "America’s got singers!"
Source: slimothyjames1
#4. Try figuring out the actual date when the day is before the 13th.
Source: myfriendlyshadow
#5. UgH tEcHnIcAlLy ThOsE aRe BeAr LeGs.
Source: scot816
#6. Also, they're old enough to be forced to give birth, but not yet old enough to consume alcohol.
Source: DikSwet
#7. So y'all measure pizza in acres and potholes by how many dogs fit?
Source: blurredlimes9
#8. So they use it a lot?
Source: Facebook
#9. YeeHa-
Source: NotBorisJohnson
#10. Has to be America.
Source: samc_16
#11. How to cool ur nipples:
Source: Theundiscoveredroad
#12. No no, not just Europeans. All the world except America.
Source: TB0NE009
#13. "Oops, I was just celebrating the 4th of July eve eve eve."
#14. This is America.
Source: abhissj
#15. Sound about right.
Source: 8bit95
#16. "Good luck with that. Our mice have guns too."
Source: Bitten469
#17. "Wanna see me stick nine-inch nails through each one of my eyelids?"
Source: GameRanger27
#18. Huh?
Source: 3am-styx
#19. Choose your fighter:
Source: gomugomunorocket42
#20. iT's A cOnStItUtIoNaL rIgHt.
Source: Megachamps
#21. Ouch.
Source: CIean
#22. How is it right you can get married, own guns, join the army, drive, and vote all before you are allowed to have an alcoholic drink?
Source: Facebook
#23. Why use a banana for scale when you can use this gleeful Labrador?
Source: Facebook
#24. Just take the dragon and make them pay you better wages.
Source: Reddit
#25. And lastly, this is the real reason most superheroes come from the US:
Source: Spooderman16233
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