14 Hilarious Defaced Textbooks That Will Make You Laugh Your Head Off
Have you ever feel bored when reading a textbook? Fairly speaking, it's hard to find interest in reading a book if that book doesn't have anything to draw our attention. Imagine opening a textbook and what you see is that all the pages are filled with ... texts, from the top down to the bottom. Well, in most cases, people will fall asleep without even finishing the first page.
So, how to make reading less boring and challenging? We have found some creative minds who can turn their ordinary textbooks into totally interactable, relatable books. We have collected some of the most prominent works and all of them are so satisfying to see. If your textbooks are made like that, we think you will never need to find the motivation to read ever again. So let's check them out now.
So, how to make reading less boring and challenging? We have found some creative minds who can turn their ordinary textbooks into totally interactable, relatable books. We have collected some of the most prominent works and all of them are so satisfying to see. If your textbooks are made like that, we think you will never need to find the motivation to read ever again. So let's check them out now.
#1 My reaction to extra hours of chemistry added to our school syllabus:
Image Credit: peten0739
#2 Then I would tell you that you are not Morpheus!
Image Credit: unknown
#3 Now that is hair-larious.
Image Credit: unknown
#4 So this is the book Marilyn Monroe once studied?
Image Credit: unknown
#5 Neandertallica!
Image Credit: unknown
#6 The basics of history: whoever documents it can make a good guy be a bad guy!
Image Credit: unknown
#7 Everything is down to earth
Image Credit: corenocirofa
#8 Oh nooo!
Image Credit: Chanta_in_inari
#9 Figure 4: Patrick Starfish!
Image Credit: threequarks
#10 Do you see him?
Image Credit: reggit99
#11 Such a poser!
Image Credit: unknown
#12 Hello, you! Wanna do something else instead of studying?!
Image Credit: unknown
#13 I would be so much more into studying if all the books were like this!
Image Credit: unknown
#14 Strict coach
Image Credit: unknown
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