
20 Absurd Comics With Twisted Endings That'll Tickle Your Dark Mind

Dark humor can be mind-bending sometimes, especially for those who have an innocent mind. That said, once you understand the jokes, you will end up roaring with laughter. To give you that "guilty pleasure" for the day, we have collated 20 absurd comics with twisted endings so that you can take a look at them and have a fabulous laugh. Let's scroll down and find out!
The comics that we are going to share with you are just a small batch of comic series by Gryzlock, a Montreal-based artist. For the artist, the passion for drawing has gotten him in trouble several times in class, but it also gives him the satisfaction that he's always searching for. In addition, Gryzlock draws a lot of inspiration from weird daily life situations, or even from games or fantasy. The artist also adds a quirky touch to his comics and some dirty jokes to make people laugh.
On sharing his drawing process, Gryzlock said: "Drawing has to be fun for me and not an obligation. Unless one day I can make a living out of it. Then I'll gladly draw 8 hours a day". When his comics go viral, he feels like he "accomplished something and that I'm leaving my mark. That I existed in this world. And then I see them reposted on different social media. I feel proud. And it's powerful". Now, let's take a look at these 20 absurd comics with twisted endings and enjoy the dark humor that you've always longed for. You should also check out these zombie comics to have more great laughs while diving into the world of scary rotting corpses!

#1. My tradition

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#2. Say what?

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#3. A Messiah

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#4. Cargo shipment went wrong

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#5. It turns dark real quick

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#6. That's for hitting the Cuccos

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#7. Oh kindness

Absurd Comics With Twisted EndingsSource: Gryzlock

#8. Don't underrate Castlevania

Source: Gryzlock

#9. Depressed cooking show

Source: Gryzlock

#10. Post-nut clarity is through the roof!

Source: Gryzlock

#11. *"Does he think"

Source: Gryzlock

#12. Go, Agnes!

Source: Gryzlock

#13. Well... Okay then

Source: Gryzlock

#14. This is why you don't date coworkers

Source: Gryzlock

#15. Gen Zsus

Source: Gryzlock

#16. The cats turned out great!

Source: Gryzlock

#17. And they say romance is dead

Source: Gryzlock

#18. Fight club

Source: Gryzlock

#19. Bob sledding intensifies

Source: Gryzlock

#20. Let's find a home

Source: Gryzlock

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