
30 Painfully Relatable Memes That Owe You An Apology For Hitting You Hard, As Shared On This Instagram Page

Apparently, most of us have the same definition of "growth". It is about responsibilities, difficulties, challenges, and stress. But it's not all about that if you try to look at things in a more positive way. People have their own way to cope with their adulthood, some just simply avoid admitting they are no longer kids, and some, who should be considered good examples in our life, come to memes to laugh their stress away. Indeed, memes are always a good solution to everything, especially when we feel down. We can't thank the one who invented memes enough for making our day or even our life less intense. Today let us introduce to you a wholesome corner on Instagram known as "freud.intensifies" that currently clocks in at a bit over 1 million on the follower scale. This account is dedicated to sharing painfully relatable memes that really hit us home.
Here we’ve compiled a list of 30 of the best memes taken from this account. If you want more of the same, check out our previous post here!

#1. "Mom trying to talk to me before caffeine"

Source: freud.intensifies

#2. Never gets old

Source: freud.intensifies

#3. At 40 it gets worse

Source: freud.intensifies

#4. Stop caring about it is also an easy way

Source: freud.intensifies

#5. "Ah, quality content!"

Source: freud.intensifies

#6. Society: "No, not like that!"

Source: freud.intensifies

#7. Admit it

Source: freud.intensifies

#8. But below average is special… anything not average is special

Source: freud.intensifies


Source: freud.intensifies

#10. “Sorry my camera's off I have a bad connection”

Source: freud.intensifies

#11. Counter it with: "Did I ask, Mom"?

Source: freud.intensifies

#12. If only

Source: freud.intensifies

#13. Extrovert’s being extroverted is their comfort zone

Source: freud.intensifies

#14. At least there's some Joy in there

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#15. "Who tf is leaking my scans?"

Source: freud.intensifies

#16. Well this is THE fun

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#17. Screaming in silence

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#18. Substitute "why" with "if"

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#19. Then it's even more important to make the cut ASAP! Sorry, JK!

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#20. That's so true

Source: freud.intensifies

#21. "That's not how cats think, but yes, you changed my life and I'm so grateful for that"

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#22. The golden shot

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#23. "It’s me, hi."

Source: freud.intensifies

#24. "This is why I never want to wake up"

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#25. "I’m the white crab legend"

Source: freud.intensifies

#26. That's called growth, everyone

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#27. Just make sure to also mention that you have no idea where your charger is so they don’t expect you to call back a few minutes later

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#28. "Now I'm also a big f*cking problem myself"

Source: freud.intensifies

#29. "Thanks for checking on me"

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

#30. As always

painfully relatable memesSource: freud.intensifies

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