10 Weird Beauty Standards Throughout History That You Won’t Believe Were Real
Beauty is one of the extremely essential needs for every person in society, whether ancient or modern. Beauty has been interested in by humans for thousands of years. At each time, in each geographical region, people have different fashion standards and definitions of beauty. Even among people living in the same geographical area, sometimes the standards and conceptions of beauty differ slightly, but this is insignificant. In general, it is common for each territory to share a set of beauty standards that may or may not be different from other regions around the world. Have you heard of strange beauty trends like stretching the neck, wearing lip plates, or applying mud to the hair? Today, let's learn about the weird beauty standards and trends that are especially unusual in some cultures around the world.
In fact, in some cultures, people have very strange, outlandish beauty standards that surprise and even frighten the rest of the world. Today, let's learn about the weird beauty standards and trends that are especially unusual in some cultures around the world.For more funny photos about fashion, check out our posts here, here, and here!
In fact, in some cultures, people have very strange, outlandish beauty standards that surprise and even frighten the rest of the world. Today, let's learn about the weird beauty standards and trends that are especially unusual in some cultures around the world.For more funny photos about fashion, check out our posts here, here, and here!
#1 Rough Skin & Keloids – Western Africa, New Guinea
Rough Skin & Keloids - Western Africa, New Guinea#2 Long Neck - Myanmar
Long Neck – MyanmarSource: inf.news
#3 Wearing Lip Plate – Ethiopia
Wearing Lip Plate – Ethiopia (present trend)Source: Quora
#4 Uneven Teeth – Japan
Uneven Teeth - Japan (present trend)Source: Womendialogue
#5 Unibrow - Tajikistan
Unibrow - Tajikistan (present trend)Source: Pinteres
#6 Super High Forehead - Fula Tribe
Super High Forehead - Fula TribeSource: Mathilda's Anthropology Blog. - WordPress.com
#7 Wooden Nose Plugs - India
Wooden Nose Plugs - India (present trend)Source: VAGABOMB
#8 Ohaguro (black teeth) - Ancient Japan
Ohaguro (black teeth) - Ancient JapanSource: Kilala.vn
#9 Elongated skulls - Ancient Mayan Civilisation
Elongated skulls - Ancient Mayan CivilisationSource: Vintage Everyday
#10 Lotus feet (bound feet) - 11th century onwards, China
Lotus feet (bound feet) - 11th century onwards, ChinaSource: Reddit
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