Workers Notice Cries From Cardboard Compressor And Discover Mom And Her Kid Inside
Sometimes animals unintentionally put themselves in such difficult situations and really need assistance from people nearby. Whenever a situation like that occurs, it is a given that without human attention and assistance, these poor animals may be in danger. Just like the touching story that we want to share with you today. No one could ever imagine how a family of cats could have survived while trapped inside the cardboard until they were discovered. However, it was truly a relief when they finally noticed and got rescued.
Source: RSPCA
Source: RSPCA
Source: RSPCA
Source: RSPCA
Source: RSPCA
Source: RSPCA
Source: RSPCA

A few weeks ago, a strange sound was heard coming from the cardboard compressor by workers at Liverpool-based wholesale company Makro. When they arrived at a recycling container, they were all heartbroken by what was inside. A small cat was crying out for assistance.

Immediately, the company made a call to the RSPCA and reported the case. The animal rescue team rushed over to the location after the call, and after some investigating, RSPCA inspector Vicki Brooks found a tiny hole at one end of the shipping container. A mama cat’s face was peeking out of that small space.
The mother cat appeared to have gone into the container to give birth and become trapped as more cardboard was stacked inside. The small family had probably been stuck there for days without access to food or water.
The mother cat appeared to have gone into the container to give birth and become trapped as more cardboard was stacked inside. The small family had probably been stuck there for days without access to food or water.

To free the mama cat and her kitten, company employees decided to disassemble the machine. Brooks joined them after that, and they sifted through cardboard for hours, looking for the trapped duo.

“It was the most extraordinary rescue I have taken part in 21 years with the RSPCA,” Brooks said in a press release. “I don’t know how the cats managed to survive. There was tons of cardboard packed tightly up to the ceiling of the container and no room for them to move. It was incredibly hot, and there would have been limited air. Mum had obviously not eaten for at least a couple of days, and all the while she was trying to feed and care for her newborn kitten. They could so easily have been crushed by falling cardboard or succumbed to the heat.”
The odds were clearly stacked against the mother-son duo, but their rescuers never gave up. While looking for their precise position, the rescue team was able to offer the mama cat food through the tiny hole in the container.
The odds were clearly stacked against the mother-son duo, but their rescuers never gave up. While looking for their precise position, the rescue team was able to offer the mama cat food through the tiny hole in the container.

They worked all day and into the night before having to take a break and return the following morning. As they made progress, they discovered that the mother cat had been able to escape, but sadly, her kitten was still trapped inside.
Rescuers had to work very carefully and wait for a while before they could finally reach the kitten, who was later given the name Biff. The RSPCA's rescuers are still looking for his mother. She had gone by the time he was found.
Rescuers had to work very carefully and wait for a while before they could finally reach the kitten, who was later given the name Biff. The RSPCA's rescuers are still looking for his mother. She had gone by the time he was found.

“We’re obviously concerned about his mum, and we’ll be working with another charity to try and trap her,” Joanne Macdonald, an inspector with the RSPCA who helped out with the rescue on day two, said in a press release.

Along with two other abandoned kittens named Chip and Kipper, Biff is now safe and secure and receiving care. He has endured a lot and nearly did not survive, but he never stopped meowing for assistance, and now he is surrounded by all the love and support he could ever need.
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