Woman Refuses To Make Queer Son Apologize To Her MIL For His Sarcastic Response To Her Comments
It's vital for children to grasp from an early age that people might try to test their patience by criticizing various parts of their lives. Such behavior shouldn't be put up with. It's important to stop it whenever it arises. Not standing up against it can open the door to more mistreatment and bullying from those who target vulnerability.
A Reddit user posted on the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, explaining how she stood her ground and didn't force her son to apologize after he reacted strongly to her mother-in-law's disrespect. The son was being harassed by the MIL due to his more feminine traits, and he finally snapped. While OP's husband thinks OP should teach her son to be a bigger man, OP still believes that her son doesn't need to apologize to the MIL in this case. Scroll down for more details!
OP asks:

Background information

OP is very supportive of her son.

OP finds her MIL very annoying.

MIL keeps criticizing OP and her son.

MIL told OP's son to wash his eyeliner off.

The son eventually had enough of OP's MIL's harassment and snapped.

OP refused to make her son apologize.

OP's husband got upset that OP didn't teach her son to be the bigger person. OP won't change her mind.

No one should ever have to apologize for their identity.

MIL certainly is TAH.

Not her business.

OP has already taught her son how to stand up for himself.

The consensus among readers was clear: most believed that the OP did the right thing by not letting her son's boundaries be disregarded. We're eager to hear your thoughts too – feel free to share your perspective in the comments section below!