
Woman Picks 'Cute Puppy' At Pet Store, Gets Shocked One Year Later: It's Not A Dog!

When you decide to bring a dog into your family, it's an exciting time. You research breeds and try to find the perfect fit for your home. But what if the dog you thought you were getting turns out to be something entirely unexpected?

That's exactly what happened to a woman named Ms. Wang in China, as reported by Animal Channel. She initially believed she was getting a Japanese Spitz puppy, but as months passed, she noticed something was wrong.

Source: MailOnline
Around the three-month mark, the puppy's appearance began to change. Its fur thickened, its face became more pointed, and its tail grew longer than that of a typical dog. Other dogs seemed afraid of it, so Ms. Wang always kept it on a leash.
Source: MailOnline
Confused and worried, she sought advice from an expert and took her 'dog' to the local zoo. The zoo staff, however, was surprised when they saw the animal.
Source: MailOnline
To everyone's surprise, it turned out the 'dog' was, in fact, a fox. Apparently, foxes can resemble dogs as puppies, but their features change considerably as they grow older. One significant difference is the smell, which worsens as they age.
Source: MailOnline
Imagine purchasing a dog only to discover it's a fox. Unfortunately, in parts of Asia, foxes are quite common, and some stores sell them as pets, misleading potential buyers by claiming they are dogs.
Source: MailOnline
Fortunately, the zoo agreed to take in the fox. They quarantined him before introducing him to other animals, including fellow foxes, ensuring he was in the right environment and received the proper diet.

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