  Table of content    
  1. No
  2. *we kiss*
  3. This guy may wear camo, but he isn't exactly subtle.
  4. I accidentally texted my 14yo step son instead of my wife. Kill me now.
  5. This car salesman who accidentally sent this message to the person he was trying to sell a car to.
  6. Excellent service
  7. Yep.
  8. "Don't come over."
  9. I don’t even know what to say.
  10. A friend just sent me this. Sweet recovery bro.
  11. Coworker talking to me about temporarily not having a car, I tried being optimistic and he DRASTICALLY changed the subject.
  12. He literally said “lol.”
  13. Oops!
  14. Not to be sexist or anything.
  15. This guy found me on his wife’s “suggested friends” on Facebook then googled me and used my business number to text me. Gross.
  16. The shortest and most bizarre conversation I've ever had.
  17. I read this wrong and now I’m the one who’s embarrassed.
  18. That escalated quickly. I’m tempted to ask for birthday and SSN.
  19. Urgh
  20. Dad was using very confusing language there.

When Texting Goes Wrong: 20 Hilariously Awkward Messages That'll Make You Cringe

Hey there, fellow texters and digital adventurers! We've all been there—those moments when our nimble fingers betray us and our well-intentioned texts take a sudden turn towards the land of cringe. It's like a rollercoaster ride through the realm of awkwardness, where autocorrect becomes our mischievous nemesis and our thumbs seem to have minds of their own. But fear not, my friends, for in this hilarious article, we've compiled 20 gut-bustlingly awkward messages that will have you laughing, cringing, and thanking the universe that it didn't happen to you (or maybe secretly wishing it did). From accidental emojis that change the entire meaning of a text, to those embarrassing typos that lead to unexpected revelations, get ready to embark on a journey filled with facepalms and giggles.

So sit back, grab your phone, and prepare to dive into the comical world of texting gone wrong—where every "LOL" might actually mean "Lots Of Laughs" or "Lamenting Our Lunacy." Let the hilarity ensue!


#1. No

Source: artistictherapy

#2. *we kiss*

Source: TangibleFlora

#3. This guy may wear camo, but he isn't exactly subtle.

Source: ledgendary

#4. I accidentally texted my 14yo step son instead of my wife. Kill me now.

Source: reddit

#5. This car salesman who accidentally sent this message to the person he was trying to sell a car to.

Source: czapatka

#6. Excellent service

Source: Bild

#7. Yep.

Source: turnew155

#8. "Don't come over."

Source: Eklypto__

#9. I don’t even know what to say.


#10. A friend just sent me this. Sweet recovery bro.

Source: Waitforsquirtle

#11. Coworker talking to me about temporarily not having a car, I tried being optimistic and he DRASTICALLY changed the subject.


#12. He literally said “lol.”

Source: reddit

#13. Oops!

Source: caddy77040

#14. Not to be sexist or anything.

Source: nataloserr

#15. This guy found me on his wife’s “suggested friends” on Facebook then googled me and used my business number to text me. Gross.

Source: LadyKakes

#16. The shortest and most bizarre conversation I've ever had.

Source: reddit

#17. I read this wrong and now I’m the one who’s embarrassed.

Source: Beach17bum

#18. That escalated quickly. I’m tempted to ask for birthday and SSN.

Source: bmcnal84

#19. Urgh

Source: anon12xyz

#20. Dad was using very confusing language there.

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