
What Would Patronus Of Disney Princesses Be If They Went To Hogwarts?

Without a doubt, Disney and Harry Potter are the two most powerful pop culture moguls. They shaped much of the pop-culture landscape, defining heroism and magic for an entire generation of moviegoers. Thus, it should come as no surprise that some clever artists have managed to bring these two worlds together. And artist Willemijn1991 is one of them.
This skilled artist has combined two universes with sizable fan bases using his great imagination and incredible artistic talent. Willemijn1991 reimagined some of our favorite Disney Princesses with their Patronus based on the Harry Potter style. The artist publicly shared this amazing collection on Deviant Art and received a lot of compliments and admiration from the community.
Whether you like Disney Princesses or Harry Potter, and especially if you like both, you're sure to enjoy these amazing illustrations. Scroll down to check them out!

#1 Snow White has a bunny

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

The artist said, "The beautiful Snow White for Hufflepuff because she is so kind and sweet and a little bunny as her Patronus for the same reasons."

#2 Belle has a husky

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

He explained "I picked Ravenclaw for her because she is very curious and loves to read. For her Patronus, I picked a husky because it lies between a dog and a wolf. So between man and beast if you catch my drift."

#3 Anna has a sparrow and Elsa has an Arctic fox

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

He told us why, "I choose Gryffindor for Anna because she is brave (duh) and Ravenclaw for Elsa because she is all about logic and learning to control her powers. Anna's Patronus is a sparrow because she wants to be free and is very chipper. And Elsa's is an arctic fox because they are shy and live in the snow."

#4 Princess Ariel has a dolphin

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

The artist revealed the reason "I picked Hufflepuff for her because she is such a sweetie, really nothing but kindness. You could say she belongs to Gryffindor, but I think she could have been braver. She didn't have to wait for Eric to kiss her and she could have stood up to her father. For her Patronus I picked a dolphin, known for its sweetness and because it is a mammal living in the sea."

#5 Princess Jasmine has a tiger

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

Here's a reason "Of course Jasmine is a Slytherin, she is such a manipulative little firecracker but I still love her. Of course, her Patronus is a tiger, not only because of Raja but also because she is a real warrior in her own ways."

#6 Merida has a bear

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

The artist explained "Gryffindor is an obvious choice, the movie is, of course, called "Brave", and the Patronus too. What else could I choose but a bear?"

#7 Tiana has a frog

Source: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

He revealed the reason "I chose Ravenclaw because I just got the feeling she would fit there best. I know some of you would disagree, but I feel that that is the place she would make the most friends. Her Patronus is a frog, of course."

#8 Rapunzel has a clown fish

Source: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

The artist said, "I picked Gryffindor because even though she was afraid of everything she still went after her dream, and I picked a clown fish for her Patronus. [It's] not just because she is a bit of a clown but also because a clownfish lives in a hostile environment, just like Rapunzel with her mom, and she learned how to survive in that tower."

#9 Mulan has a red panda

Source: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

Here's a reason "Gryffindor was an obvious choice but for her Patronus, I picked a red panda, cute on the outside but still a bear with teeth and claws."

#10 Pocahontas has an eagle

Source: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

The artist explained why, "Gryffindor is an obvious choice for Pocahontas because she risks it all for love and peace. For her Patronus, I picked an eagle because she is so strong and free."

#11 Megara has a butterfly

Source: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

He said "I decided on Slytherin because, well ... she knows how to use what she's got. I picked a butterfly for her Patronus because she is so frail under that hard shell she puts up."

#12 Esmerelda has a gazelle

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

Here's a reason "I picked Slytherin because she uses what she has just like Megara. I picked a gazelle for her Patronus because she is so elegant and determined, like a doe, but also exotic and a real beauty."

#13 Giselle has a squirrel

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

He told us why "I decided on Hufflepuff for her because she does not have an evil bone in her body. For her Patronus, I chose a squirrel because of her chipper personality and pretty strawberry red hair."

#14 Jane has a monkey

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

The artist said, "[I chose] the lovely Jane Porter for Ravenclaw because she met Tarzan on a scientific excursion and learns all about his world. And a little monkey as her Patronus, 'cause she is a little monkey."

#15 Kida has a sea turtle.

Disney PrincessesSource: Willemijn1991/ Deviant Art

He explained "I chose Ravenclaw for Kida because she is so curious and inquisitive and uses old knowledge to save her people. I picked a sea turtle because it is a land creature that adapted to live in the water and it also fits her free and gentle spirit."
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