Unpredictably Dark and Twisted: 27 Scribbly G's Comics That'll Leave You Gasping for Laughs
Allow me to introduce you to the brilliant mind behind the @Scribbly_G webcomic, none other than the artistic genius known as Scribbly G. With a combined following of 100,000 on Facebook and Instagram, Scribbly G has carved a unique niche for itself in the world of comics. What sets Scribbly G apart is their ability to weave tales that start off innocently enough with a charming, G-rated, newspaper-like art style. However, just when you least expect it, they unleash a macabre twist that will leave you simultaneously shocked and laughing.
If you appreciate jokes that build up and don't mind the occasional dark ending that might ruffle a few feathers, Scribbly G's comics are an absolute treat. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of unexpected humor that will keep you hooked and entertained, even if it means pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. Brace yourself for the delightfully twisted world of his webcomics; bon-apple-tea!
#1. The bear.

#2. Nemo.

#3. Proposal.

#4. Wake up, Neo.

#5. Glass slipper.

#6. Magician.

#7. "You know."

#8. Sorry.

#9. Parenting.

#10. Spider bite.

#11. Skip.

#12. Time machine.

#13. Friends with kids.

#14. What can we say. He has standards.

#15. Billionaire.

#16. Grow.

#17. Kiss.

#18. Please.

#19. Virtual reality.

#20. Catcalling.

#21. Whoops.

#22. Success.

#23. Vacation.

#24. Oh...

#25. Coffee.

#26. Kiss.

#27. "Don’t let my dad see"