Animals sometimes find themselves in tough situations, relying on the kindness of people nearby for help. Without human intervention, there is a significant chance that animals’ lives will be put in danger. Just like Jimma, the unfortunate dog in our story today. No one has any idea why the little dog got stuck in the tire. Nonetheless, thanks to the assistance of those around, the dog was saved and had a second chance in life.
In a 2015 release, a Facebook post from the
Indianapolis Fire Department reported a case of a stray dog in a really bad situation. She was a pit bull mix named Jimma, with her head trapped in a tire rim. The poor canine was spotted by a 20 years old woman, Jessica Arnold, and it had been her neighborhood's stray dog for quite a while.
According to the Fire Department, Arnold identified the female dog as a neighborhood stray that she feeds and sees twice a day. The dog is about a year and a half old.
When Arnold saw the terrifying scene, she immediately put the dog—and tire – in her car and drove to the local firehouse, Station 5 located at 450 W 21st St.
“Having no idea how long the dog had been stuck, she loaded it into her car and drove to the neighborhood firehouse. The dog, who appeared to be stable, was visibly shaken but not confrontational.” Said the
Indianapolis Fire Department in their post.
For the first ten minutes, firefighters used liquid soap and oil to try to get the dog's head out of the tire, but neither worked. Hence, the crew decided to contact Tactical 14 for assistance.
When Tactical 14 arrived, they evaluated the dog's condition and chose a course of action in the hopes of minimizing the dog's potential harm. They used big and loud tools to cut off the tire and set her free.
Finally, more than an hour later, the rim was removed, and Jimma was freed.
“Using a tool that cuts brake pedals on cars, firefighters were able to make several substantial cuts in the rim that then allowed them to use the spreaders to further open the rim. It took firefighters over an hour to get the rim removed.” shared the
Indianapolis Fire Department. "The dog’s airway was never compromised and the dog appeared otherwise ok."
However, the best part of the rescue was that the very happy Jimma found herself a loving home. After the removal of the rim, she went home with Arnold, and Jimma soon became part of the family.
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