This Gothic Bird Is Surely The Only Authentic Count Dracula Of The Wildlife
First, tell us what you think of parrots! Yes, they are adorable, colorful, and sometimes talkative. Still, the types of parrots are a lot more diverse than you might think. Have you heard of Pesquet's parrot, more commonly known as the Dracula parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus)? This bird is our main character on stage today.
Source: Jacques Erard, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
Source: Linda De Volder
Source: shutterstock
Source: Greg Hume
Source: Lars Petersson, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
Source: Lars Petersson, Morobe, Papua New Guinea
Source: Rüdiger Stehn
Source: bogniets
Source: Loro Parque
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