This Chunky Orange-And-Black Bird Has The Most Significant Covering In The Feathered World
Several birdie species are distinctive. They aren't mistaken for others, which helps their male and female ones spot each other easier. The feathered friend we're introducing to you today is one of them. Meet the northern red bishop or orange bishop (Euplectes franciscanus), a small passerine bird in the family Ploceidae.
Source: Lisa Negri, Los Angeles, California, United States
Originally from Africa and of open habitats, including agricultural areas and the edges of marshes, this species is most recognizable by the bright reddish orange with contrasting black plumage displayed by the breeding male.Source: Max Leibowitz, San Diego, California, United States
Source: wildlife__lover
This short-tailed bishop is small, about 11 cm, and weighs about 12-22 grams. The striking red-orange feathers are produced by pigments derived from compounds in their diet that usually consists of grass seeds and sometimes flora and insects. In the late winter and springtime, these tiny fellows visit seed feeders in parks or gardens.Source: John Garrett, Los Angeles, California, United States
Source: Thomas Varto Nielsen
This bird is gregarious and often found in flocks of tens to hundreds. Its song is a rapid jumble of squeaky, twittering, and churring notes, and its calls include a sharp "tsit" and "tzit".Source: Marky Mutchler, Los Angeles, California, United States
This species is polygynous. The males often mate with up to six females. Nests are often built by males, while females provide every parental care for their offspring, including incubating and feeding.Source: Derek Hameister
According to the IUCN Red List, the northern red bishop is widespread, stable, and of Least Concern of endangerment.Source: Marky Mutchler, Los Angeles, California, United States
Source: Marky Mutchler, Los Angeles, California, United States
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