
The Magical Moment When A Rare White Baby Reindeer Got Spotted In The Dazzling Snow

White reindeer are uncommon, making up less than one percent of the deer population, and are also known as leucistic deer. Besides, when it snows, it's harder to spot a white animal like a white deer. Yet, this lucky photographer encountered a magic-like existence while hiking in Norway.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

Mads Nordsveen has traveled the world, capturing spectacular vistas of many wonders, but a simple, pure being caught his eyes and imprinted its presence in the photographer's mind.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

One morning, he was hiking with friends on the northern Norwegian island of Senja when they spotted a little reindeer calf, white as the snow that blanketed the ground around them.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

The calf seemed almost to disappear in the snow on that beautiful morning. Were it not for its dark eyes and bone-colored antlers jutting into the air, the calf might have looked like another snow mound.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

A few hundred yards beyond, a brown reindeer Nordsveen thought was the calf's mother stood and stared at them, so everybody stilled themselves. They sat as quietly as possible and were very calm and eventually came close to the calf.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

The baby reindeer stayed for about five minutes before he ran back to his mother, and they vanished into the woods. Five minutes was more than enough for the photographer to kick in his artistic instinct.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

The indigenous Sami people, plenty of whom herd reindeer in northern Norway, told Nordsveen white reindeer were so rare that they are believed to bring happiness. Perhaps, the lucky man would never forget the magical moment for the rest of his life.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

Source: Mads Nordsveen

Nordsveen also has an admirable gallery of wild animals he has met on his journeys. Understandably, the more you devote to nature and wildlife, the likelier you are greeted by their magnificent creatures.

Source: Mads Nordsveen

Source: Mads Nordsveen

Source: Mads Nordsveen

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