  Table of content    
  1. The Flash successfully saves his mother, but…
  2. The movie makes Barry realize that changing the past only causes more tragedies.
  3. The Dark Flash turns out to be 2013-Barry Allen himself.
  4. The Flash fixes the timeline by undoing his attempt to save Nora, and it’s the most heart-wrenching scene ever.
  5. Not all is lost for The Flash.
  6. The Flash’s time-traveling shenanigans may lead to the birth of a brand-new DC universe.

The Flash’s Tragic Ending May Lead To A New Chaotic Era Of The DCU Universe, And Here’s How

Released on June 16th, The Flash is the first theatrical movie of DC Studios about the Scarlet Speedster, and arguably the last movie of the DCEU. The film features Ezra Miller, who returns as the Fastest Man Alive despite his recent controversies, and it’s widely praised by critics and fans for his performance. Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton also reprise their respective versions of Batman from two different timelines, and Michael Shannon also returns as General Zod, the film’s main antagonist. 

The Flash is also the first DCEU film that delves into the concept of time-traveling and the multiverse, as it revolves around Barry Allen’s attempt to return to the past to save his mother, Nora, from impending death. Of course, the hero’s action messes up the flow of the timeline, and leads to some unforeseen and devastating consequences. The movie’s grand finale also ends on an emotional note, which we will explain right away, and how it will affect the future of the DCU under James Gunn’s hand.


#1. The Flash successfully saves his mother, but…

Source: DC Studios

In the movie, after finding out the ability to time-travel using the Speed Force, the first thing Barry Allen does is to return to the day his mother was killed to save her. The plan is a success, but the hero’s unable to return to his original timeline, and instead meet his 2013 self. Here, he learns that several Justice League members have gone missing due to his attempt to change the past, and that General Zod, who was supposed to be defeated by Superman, is coming to invade Earth.


#2. The movie makes Barry realize that changing the past only causes more tragedies.

Source: DC Studios

Along with Michael Keaton’s version of Batman and Sasha Calle’s Supergirl, Barry and his younger self fight Zod to save the planet. Their attempt ultimately fails, with both Bruce Wayne and Kara Zor-El killed by the villain, and the Kryptonian Codex is stolen from Supergirl’s body. The two Flashes return to the past to save their companions, but the result remains the same. Bruce and Kara keep dying over and over again, and the current Barry realizes that no matter how many times they try, their deaths are inevitable, so he wants to stop.

However, 2013-Barry doesn’t think the same way, so he keeps trying and trying, time-traveling back and forth repeatedly, but unable to change the fate. The multiverse starts collapsing as he goes on, but 2013-Barry doesn’t want to lose his mother, so he keeps traveling back without thinking of the consequences.


#3. The Dark Flash turns out to be 2013-Barry Allen himself.

Source: DC Studios

The climax of the movie comes with a dark and major plot twist, as the Dark Flash – the speedster who prevents Barry from returning to his original timeline at the start, makes his appearance. It turns out, he’s actually the 2013-Allen, who turns into this hideous form after keeps traveling back in time again and again. For years, he keeps trying to finish what they started, destroying multiple universes in the process. 

The multiverse ultimately collapses, killing off various Justice League members from different dimensions like Nicolas Cage and Christopher Reeves’s Superman, Helen Slater’s Supergirl, and so on. Dark Flash decides to kill the current Barry, but his younger self saves him by taking the blade to his torso. With 2013-Barry dies, the Dark Flash also ceases to exist, and the former asks the Flash to make things right in his dying breath.


#4. The Flash fixes the timeline by undoing his attempt to save Nora, and it’s the most heart-wrenching scene ever.

Source: DC Studios

Determined, Barry Allen returns to the past once again to undo his attempt of saving his mother, since this is the only way to stop all the tragedies in the future, and the multiverse from breaking down. He removes the tomato can that his former self put in earlier, forcing his dad to leave home, and thus, letting his mom’s death happen like it should have. 

Seeing Nora dies breaks Barry’s heart, but he has no other choice. The hero gets to hug his mom one last time, stating how much he loves her for eternity. This sequence has marked The Flash’s maturity as a superhero, who’s ready to carry the painful memories and move on with life. 


#5. Not all is lost for The Flash.

Source: DC Studios

Unable to save his mom, however, Barry manages to clear his father’s name by creating new evidence that proves his innocence. He submits the camera evidence showing Henry was at the grocery when his mom was killed, as he changed the store’s camera angle before going back to the present, so that his father’s face would show in the footage. With the solid alibi, Henry is set free, and Barry can finally find some comfort by successfully saving his father’s life.

In the end, Barry also gets together with the journalist Iris West, his crush back in college. These events have proven that while it’s painful, Barry has made the right choice to undo the time-travel attempt.


#6. The Flash’s time-traveling shenanigans may lead to the birth of a brand-new DC universe.

Source: DC Studios

However, with the minor change that Barry made to save his father, the future is once again altered. Instead of Ben Affleck, George Clooney’s version of Bruce Wayne shows up in the present, leaving Barry bewildered about what he did wrong. Other superheroes, such as Wonder Woman or Superman, who also showed up earlier in the movie, are nowhere to be found at the end as well.

With James Gunn attempting to create a brand-new DCU, and big names such as Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot not reprising their roles, it’s possible that The Flash’s ending is made this way to replace some important Justice League’s familiar faces with different versions of themselves. By making Barry Allen change the past, DC has created a perfect chance to set up a new universe, where Gunn can rebuild things from scratch. For now, only time will tell how the DCU will turn out with the new captain at the helm.

What do you think about The Flash’s unexpected ending? How would it affect the DCU in the future? Let us know in the comment.

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