
Someone Put Cops Into The Disney Fantasy World, And The Results Are Downright Hilarious

You know what's funny? We've all been watching Disney Movies since we were kids, and we never realized that these characters are constantly breaking the law. From Aladdin stealing bread, to Beast asking for a 17-year-old girl to be sent to his caste.
But imagine if there were cops in these Disney worlds! Can you picture it? Ariel getting busted for hoarding all those human treasures, or Pinocchio getting a ticket for lying? Such a whole new level of entertainment! Sadly, Disney never bothered to create a law enforcement system. Cinderella has to rely on a fairy godmother to escape her abusive stepfamily.
Luckily, one Disney fan decided to take matters into their own hands and bring the fantasy of cops in Disney movies to life. Cops intervene in classic Disney scenes, and the results are nothing short of genius. And who knows, maybe Disney will take note and give us a police force in their future animated movies. One can only dream.

#1 Child Abuse

Source: College Humor

#2 Surely Scar did it!

Source: College Humor

#3 She's sleeping, weirdo!

Source: College Humor

#4 We don't believe you!

Source: College Humor


Source: College Humor

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