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  1. The news came crashing in and shattered their peace
  2. She held her ground, driven by the love for her husband and family
  3. What she told to Tom

Rita Wilson Reveals What She Asked Tom Hanks After Being Diagnosed With Cancer

In a touching and candid revelation, Rita Wilson, the beloved actress, and singer, shares a heartwarming story of strength and support during her battle with cancer. Wilson unveils the deeply personal moment when she turned to her husband and iconic actor, Tom Hanks, for solace and guidance. With grace and vulnerability, she takes us through the emotional journey she faced upon receiving her diagnosis, and how it led her to seek comfort from the one person who means the world to her.

Wilson's poignant words serve as a beacon of hope, illuminating the strength that lies within human relationships during times of adversity. Prepare to be moved by a story of unwavering love and support that transcends the spotlight of Hollywood.


The news came crashing in and shattered their peace

Rita Wilson was diagnosed with breast cancer in early 2015, which brought with it fear and the realization of how quickly everything can slip away. She sought solace and assistance from her partner, Tom Hanks, as anyone would in such a situation, ensuring he knew how to lend a helping hand.

Wilson was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast and can spread.


Wilson didn't waste any time getting all the help he needed to stop the cancer from growing and getting worse. When she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, she revealed at the time, "Last week, with my husband by my side and with the love and support of family and friends, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction for breast cancer.

Most importantly, I'm expected to fully recover while I'm recovering. Why? because I had great doctors, caught this early, and sought a second opinion.


She held her ground, driven by the love for her husband and family


“I feel blessed to have a loving, supportive husband, family, friends, and doctors and that I am the beneficiary of advances in the field of breast cancer and reconstruction. I am getting better every day and look forward to renewed health.”

Their support became her anchor, allowing her to face the challenges head-on with unwavering determination and a resilient spirit. Meanwhile, Hanks took on the role of delivering good news to the press in 2017, joyfully declaring that his wife was now cancer-free.

“You just clear the decks, and you circle the wagons­, and you hunker down. It’s not that hard to do. It’s like when there’s a big rainstorm outside, you bust out the hot cocoa and make sure everyone is comfortable.”


What she told to Tom

Rita Wilson opened up about what went through her mind shortly after receiving her breast cancer diagnosis four years ago. In an Instagram post, she revealed that immediately after learning the life-altering news, she had a heartfelt conversation with her husband, Tom Hanks, about her wishes in case she didn't survive.

“Four years ago, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I had so many different thoughts. You’re scared and anxious, you think about your own mortality. ”


And then she went on, “So I had a serious discussion with my husband that if anything happens, I wanted him to be super sad for a very long time, and I’d also like a party, a celebration.”

Even in those tough times, the actress’s humor and positive spirit prevailed over the sadness in her mind. Wilson revealed that Hanks and Wilson became even closer during those trying times. Rita had his unwavering support to lean on, and it made all the difference in her overcoming her difficult challenge.

“You never know how your spouse is going to react in a situation like this,” she said. “I was so amazed, so blown away by the care my husband gave me. It was such a normal, intimate time.”

Rita and Tom have an unbreakable bond, and even when Rita faced criticism about her body, Tom was her staunchest supporter.

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