Redditor Gets Infuriated As Parents Refuse To Separate Nervous Dog From Baby
When it comes to dogs that react strongly and little kids, things can get tricky. The dog might get too worked up and even act aggressively, which isn't good. This gets even riskier if the dog isn't used to being around small children or hasn't been taught how to behave properly.
In a recent situation, OP's daughter was celebrating her first Christmas with the family. They had a French Bulldog, and they were trying to make the dog more comfortable around the child. But things went south—the dog was getting too excited and kept barking a lot around the daughter. OP asked to take the dog downstairs to calm down, but their parents took the dog back upstairs, and it continued to bark right by the daughter's head, making her cry. This led to a big argument between the OP and the parents. They believed the daughter should adjust to the dog, not the other way around. Keep scrolling to read the whole story in full.
The question is:

OP's family got together to celebrate Christmas this year.

OP's daughter and the dog don't get along well.

The dog hasn't been trained and bad behavior is inadvertently rewarded.

OMG! This is so terrible!

This led to an argument between OP and his parents, who felt that their family, including OP's 3-month-old daughter, should be accommodating the dog, rather than the opposite.


Here are a bunch of the most upvoted comments from Redditors in response to the story:

Grandchildren should take priority over pets.

We can tell everyone agrees that OP is NTA.

What are your insights on this situation? Do you think the focus should be on accommodating the dog or ensuring the child's comfort? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section – we're eager to hear your perspective!