Redditor Asks If He Was Wrong For Not Allowing His Mom To See His Dog
Dogs can bring comfort to sick people and offer companionship during hard times. They even help with routines and can reduce feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Spending time with dogs has health benefits, like lowering blood pressure. If you have a sick family member, having your dog around during visits can brighten your day.

But what if there's a risk? One Redditor wondered, 'AITA for not letting my GMA see my dog?' His grandma isn't the issue. It's his abusive mom, with whom he has limited contact. He cares about his grandma. Sadly, she got cancer, and his mom moved in to help. He often visits her with his dog. She loves it and wants it to stay for a few days. He's worried his mom might take it, though, as she once took his cat, which had even been microchipped. He doesn't want to stress his grandma with legal action but doesn't know how to react.
Now let's scroll down to go through the whole story and what the internet users have to say about it.
OP asks:

OP has an abusive mom and keeps low contact, but OP likes his grandmother. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with cancer, so OP's mom moved in with her.

OP visits his grandmother frequently and takes his dog. Grandma loves the dog and wants to spend more time with it. She even asked OP to leave it with her for a couple of days.

OP hesitates because he fears his mom will take the dog. It wouldn't be her first time. She also took his cat.

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

And the comments from other Redditors roll in…

To which OP replies:

"Protect yourself and your dog"

The dog goes with OP.

Can OP prove the dog is his?

Then OP replies:

It would be easy to prove a theft.

t is his dog. Period.

Lastly, OP replies:

And that's the story, folks! Share your thoughts in the comments below. Don't forget to like and spread the article with your loved ones. Stay tuned for more content like this from Aubtu. Thank you!