Pregnant Woman Arranges Towing Of Ex-Neighbor's Car For Parking Space Violation
In the friendly neighborhood just around the corner from the bustling downtown, where everyone knows everyone, a story emerges that underscores the importance of minding personal boundaries and belongings. This narrative sheds light on how small acts, like not respecting someone else's property, can have big consequences, revealing the delicate balance of goodwill in a close-knit community.
OP, a pregnant woman who lives right on the edge of her city downtown, has her own parking space. Everything was fine until her ex-neighbor continued to use OP's parking spot after moving. As new tenants moved in, OP struggled to find a place to park due to F's persistent use of her spot. She attempted to address the situation, and F apologized, promising not to park there anymore. Unfortunately, this promise didn't hold up. Frustrated by the repeated inconvenience, OP decided to call a tow truck the next time she found F parked in her spot. Keep scrolling to read the full story!
OP asks:

A little background

The ex-neighbor has continued parking in OP's lot.

OP finally managed to talk to F. F broke her promise.

OP's fiancé called a tow truck to take F's car.

F started screaming at OP.

F burst into tears, demanding OP drive her there and pay to get her car back.

More context:

Public transport isn't very safe for girls like her.

She did know it.

OP no longer have sympathy for this girl.

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