  Table of content    
  1. Who Is Pernille Kurzmann Lunden?
  2. Reveal Pernille Kurzmann's Story
  3. How Is Christine Hanse’s Life Like?
  4. Where Is Pernille Kurzmann Lunden Now?
  5. Conclusion

Let's Dive Into Pernille Kurzmann Lunden's Wikipedia To Learn More About Her

Pernille Kurzmann Lunden is a real-life nurse, who has been featured in the gripping thriller TV series “The Nurse”, released on Netflix in 2023. The movie is an adaptation of the chilling real-life events surrounding a rookie nurse's connection to a sequence of murders and the eventual exposure of her crimes. Pernille Kurzmann, portrayed by Fanny Louise Bernth, is the most important witness in the case.

Are you curious about the real Pernille Kurzmann? Do you want to discover her story? Come along with us to find out the answers.


Who Is Pernille Kurzmann Lunden?

pernille kurzmann lunden photos Source: Google Images

Kurzmann Lunden has worked as a nurse in the emergency room of Nykbing Falster Hospital since 2014. She often worked alongside Christina in the night shifts. People called them “dream team” since they saved plenty of victims experiencing cardiac arrest. During shifts, Lunden observed the deaths of numerous patients and noticed that they were linked to her colleague. 

Kurzmann's disclosures about Hansen triggered one of Denmark's most jaw-dropping prosecutions.


Reveal Pernille Kurzmann's Story

Pernille Kurzmann's investigation began when she noticed an unusual number of patient deaths. It was notable that some patients passed away within a short period during her time working there. Her suspicions intensified when she discovered traces of diazepam in a patient's port. Pernille also revealed her concerns to Doctor Niels Lundén.


She made a breakthrough when she found a syringe with suspected diazepam traces in the room of a patient named Maggi after Christina left there. When Maggi’s health condition was worse, Niels Lundén suggested that it was time to call the police. She then informed the cops that some patients unusually died in the ER.

Fortunately, Maggi was saved from the brink of death. She played a crucial role in Christina's trial, leading to her conviction. 

After the case, Pernille Kurzmann was called a backstabber by her colleague. Some of them hesitated to bring syringes into the emergency room, fearing police involvement.

Based on real events, Danish writer Kristian Corfixen wrote the book The Nurse: The True Story Behind One of Scandinavia's Most Notorious Criminal Trials.


How Is Christine Hanse’s Life Like?

pernille kurzmann lunden wikipedia Source: Google Images

The trial of Christine Hansen lasted for nearly a month. After all, she was sentenced to life in prison and is currently incarcerated in a Danish prison.

However, upon a review of the case, the High Court reduced her sentence to just 12 years, and she is set to be released in 2028. Of course, her professional license has been permanently revoked.

Corfixen once interviewed Hansen in prison about his book. She said, “A lot of people here talk about one day you’ll get to the point where you grasp the verdict of the series.”


Where Is Pernille Kurzmann Lunden Now?

Kurzmann got married to Niels and the couple moved to Maribo, Lolland Municipality and had a son. They live with their child and other kids from a previous marriage. 

She is still working at Nykbing Falster Medical Center while her husband leaves there. He could not agree with the way the hospital administration handled Christina's case. 



After the journey through the story of Pernille Kurzmann Lunden, we know more about the woman. She is a dedicated nurse and is willing to expose her colleague’s crime of killing patients. After all, Hans has to spend 12 years in prison and her crime is remembered forever. We'll keep you updated on their lives, so follow us if you're interested. 

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