18 People Who Epically Failed To Understand Instructions
Which matters more to you—the result or the process? Some people think that the process is what they should focus on more, and the result sometimes depends greatly on luck, which is out of their control. Other people believe that the result can be rationally explained by the whole process. If one step is taken wrong, everything will go down in flames. That's what we are talking about today. Sometimes, people just do all the things they are asked to do but forget one crucial step or misunderstand instructions, and that's enough to make everything go hilariously wrong.
We made a compilation of 18 times people epically failed to understand instructions that are very funny to see. Scroll down to check them out now! Our previous post is here!
We made a compilation of 18 times people epically failed to understand instructions that are very funny to see. Scroll down to check them out now! Our previous post is here!
#1. The bakery's form asked if she wanted anything written on it
Source: rayfromtheinternet
#2. “I want a custom doormat.”
Source: Moth_Jam
#3. Font type:Ariel 12pt
Source: WolfieVonD
#4. “New Logo” goes here
Source: ComeGetYourOzymans
#5. Guess I'm dating Mr. Peanutbutter
Source: GrahamfieldShip
#6. Just write Happy Birthday
Source: knjiru
#7. Spanish for not included
Source: 0bsolescencee
#8. Libra symbol
Source: eloloise29
#9. The pizza shop asked me” who's name do you want the order under?” I replied “my wife Michelle “. This is how they announced her name when she picked up the food.
Source: Chill084
#10. “That’s all. That’s all we need.”
Source: squirrelgirrl
#11. Received flowers from grandma with this card
Source: bescha
#12. $400+ dollar order for the place I work, we can’t send them back lol
Source: QuilChaser
#13. I tried making a tote bag but in true Mr. Peanut Butter fashion I ended up burning it and it is uncentered
Source: AutoCrosspostBot
#14. "LOGO"
Source: Kayasucksatlife
#15. Me and my friend’s birthday cake
Source: Maru_Chan_drawings_2
#16. This Valentines card I had anonymously sent to a friend
Source: TonsillarRat6
#17. Lovely Valentine's note
Source: _LameName
#18. Please underline happy birthday
Source: wholesomeplantlady
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