
People Shared These 20 Posts When Asked To Show Examples Of Gatekeeping Masculinity

Because so many men go off and utter rubbish like what you will see below, masculinity or the male ego is frequently referred to be fragile. While we view machismo as archaic and ludicrous, some people continue to hold on to these outmoded ideas.
People decided to share it on the subreddit Gatekeeping, which has a number of these amusing pieces. Some of which we have shared below for you to peruse at your leisure just so you know what Gatekeeping Masculinity means for education and awareness purposes. This is because people came across someone idolizing the antiquated rules this type of subspecies tends to spout in public.




Source: swissmiss1269


Source: ReachMorpheuss


Source: belaC_ma_I

#5 Imagine Gatekeeping Shoes As A Sign Of Masculinity

Source: throwaway19191929

#6 Ever Had Your Masculinity And Eating Habits Gatekept By A Bottle Of Cheap Hot Sauce?

Source: B-KRN

#7 So Phones Determine Your Masculinity

Source: dtol2020

#8 My Masculinity Is Defined By My Inability To Read


#9 Gatekeeping Masculinity Over Hairstyles

Source: turtletechy

#10Gatekeeping Masculinity

Source: BratneyBih

#11 Gatekeeping Fatherhood, Masculinity, All Sorts Really

Source: SuperIntegration

#12 Gatekeeping Sports And Masculinity

Source: electrastache

#13 Gatekeeping Masculinity

Source: c0n0r92

#14 Fragile Masculinity Gatekeeping Boxes

Source: avgaskin1

#15 This Man Has A Comic Book Character Pfp, Btw

Source: Arizona_Raven

#16 Gatekeeping Whatever Tf This Is

Source: bluebelle21

#17 Bones For Boners

Source: wigglycritic



#19 Being A Man

Source: spodonnell30

#20 Fragile Masculinity

Source: Squirrelparty8

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