Parents Break Silence After 5 Years, Asking Daughter About Grandkids Despite Previous Marriage Disapproval
Discrimination is a prevalent issue that we often witness in our society, and it can be disheartening to witness people of different races being subjected to unfair treatment. Today, we'll look at a tale that highlights the complexity of family dynamics, the long-lasting effects of hidden bias, and the tough choices people must make so as to protect their loved ones. This story was posted by a Redditor, u/rainingsakuras, a woman who defied societal norms by entering into a relationship with her former boss. With careful consideration, OP mustered the courage to inform her overprotective parents about her choice, hoping for their support and understanding. However, what unfolded next was an unforeseen series of events that resulted in a five-year estrangement. Little did OP know that the reasons behind her parents' disapproval would be revealed through a shocking revelation during a recent conversation.
Curious about what happened next? Let's scroll down to read the full story and let us know what you think about it.
OP's parents didn't approve of her marriage. That's why they ignored her for 5 years and only reached out to her when they saw OP's kids.

OP's husband used to be her boss. After one and a half years of dating, they got married due to pregnancy. OP's parents weren't happy about that.

In order to invite her overprotective parents to her wedding, OP had to tell them about her relationship with her boss. She tried to be honest about what was going on but left out the pregnancy to save them from any emotional distress.

Oh no! Everything seemed to go apart from here.

5 years later, OP's parents found out they had grandkids.

OP was in a dilemma.

OP made an edit to share a bit more about the context. She didn't think race was a thing to their parents.

However, in a recent conversation via Zoom, OP found out they are indeed racists. They could only see their grandkids if they promised to be positive additions to the children.

OP's parents started to explain themselves.

Things turned out to be more complicated and unpleasant than expected.

We are so sorry for what happened to OP. Let's see what other Redditors think about this situation.

Can't agree more!

How do you feel about the story? Leave a comment below to let us know. Hopefully, none of you will have to deal with the same situation as OP because everyone should be treated equally regardless of their skin color.